It’s Happening: California Has Now Ordered The Votes Counted, Seccession Becomes Strong Reality

Radical Californians are attempting to secede from the US

California libtards are clinging to idiotic dreams of secession. The ridiculous campaign, dubbed #Calexit, is organized by the Yes California Independence movement. “California Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced Thursday that a ballot initiative called ‘California Nation’ has been approved by the state to begin collecting signatures to qualify for the 2018 ballot,” reports Breitbart.

Of course, the measure has about zero chance of succeeding. It’s mere wishful thinking. The organizers of the movement haven’t raised any money yet they have only until July 25th to collect 585,407 signatures. And even if the #Calexit dreamers manage to scrape the cash together, that still wouldn’t mean that the state is free to sever its ties to the US.

The penniless secessionist circulated an email begging for signatures. “Pundits laugh because historically it costs millions of dollars to accomplish this goal with paid signature gatherers,” according to an email plea. “As a grassroots organization, our resources are limited but every dollar you contribute does help.”

Let’s play “whiny liberals get their way and California secedes.” What would be the results? What horrors would convulse the rest of the nation as we dealt with our loss? Let’s see. The senate would have two fewer Democrats. The House of Representatives would lose 38 Democrats and a mere 14 Republicans. President Trump would have destroyed Hillary Clinton in the popular vote. How terrible.

Entitled millennials are campaigning to make California its own nation

California is a raging hotbed of radicals that purposely try to dampen the country’s moral but unfortunately it looks like we’re stuck with them. LA Weekly writes, “David A. Carrillo, executive director of Berkeley Law’s California Constitution Center, points to the center’s analysis of the prospects for secession, which argues that there is no secession authority granted in either the U.S. or California constitution. The analysis also notes that Justice Antonin Scalia once wrote, ‘If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede.’”

The movement was started by a former Republican and conservative who crossed the aisle when he relalized that liberals would swallow nonsense easier than his own party.

“Californians are better educated, wealthier, more liberal, and value healthcare and education more than the rest of the country,” the group’s founder argued. “Our views on education, science, immigration, taxation and healthcare are different.”

The state’s residents are so delusional that many of them probably buy into the elitist attitude espoused by the #Calexit founder. The group’s website is drenched in antagonistic language directed towards President Trump. Even local LA papers admit that: “There’s a huge downside to the Calexit movement, and no real upside.”

California may secede from the US. Good riddance!

The flimsy arguments that the movement was built upon are so empty that the founders themselves probably don’t even believe them. “California is a global leader on environmental issues,” one talking point complains. “However, as long as the other states continue debating whether or not climate change is real, they will continue holding up real efforts to reduce carbon emissions.”

Whatever you think about climate change it’s obvious that if it does exist Californians will be just as affected whether it’s part of the US or not. The silly movement is gobbling up attention that would be better directed elsewhere. #Calexit is a quixotic idea that isn’t going to happen. Forcing the state government to consider the measure is a waste of time.

“The main benefit of a California exit would be psychic. There is a subset of people here, mostly from the privileged classes, who feel sullied by their political affiliation with Red America. Secession would boost their sense of personal virtue. The Calexit movement is trying to exploit that. But satisfying the urge for ideological purity would come at a very dear cost: a worse life for many millions of Californians and tens of millions of Americans.”

Californians continue to protest President Trump. They need to get over it

Liberals across the country continue to bitterly protest Trump’s administration. The party that claims to promote acceptance is instead creating division. Californians need to grow up. Instead of focusing on inane issues that don’t matter they should channel their energy towards doing something that actually matters.

Secession sounds trendy to a lot of millennials so it won’t be surprising if the measure collects enough signatures to appear on the ballot. It may even pass, even though that still wouldn’t mean that California would actually be able to secede.

“The Yes California Independence Campaign has been around for at least two years, but the election of President Trump only saw increased momentum for the so-called Calexit cause. Trump lost California by more than 4 million votes, fueling interest in a Calexit — a play on the United Kingdom’s “Brexit” campaign that saw that country’s voters decide to leave the European Union.”

Disgruntled leftists across the country are attempting to destabilize Trump’s administration and create chaos. If Democrats keep on, they aren’t going to appreciate what trump does next!

The post It’s Happening: California Has Now Ordered The Votes Counted, Seccession Becomes Strong Reality appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.


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