DISGRACEFUL: Former Hillary Staffer Calls Widow Of Slain SEAL ‘Idiot’

The two-minute standing ovation for Carryn Owens, the widow of fallen Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens, remains one of the most poignant moments of President Donald Trump’s address to a joint session of congress on Tuesday. However, not everyone was enthusiastic about the inclusion of Owens in proceedings, with some choosing to attack the the wife of a fallen hero instead of honoring her.

Case in point, Dan Grilo.

Grilo, who describes himself as a “former Hillary 16 volunteer”, called Owens an “idiot” who had been “used” by President Trump:

Dan Grilo
Grilo, who has since set his Twitter account to private, later deleted the tweet, calling it “poorly worded.”

“Folks, clearly a poorly worded tweet. I apologize to all and am deeply moved by all your comments. Thank you for your feedback,” Grilo tweeted.

While Grilo clearly regretted his distasteful comments, others on the left were not quite as apologetic.

HBO host Bill Maher, for example, stated “I wish she hadn’t allowed herself to be used as his prop like that. And I don’t see any great courage here. What — where is the courage? Who wouldn’t stand and applaud for a war widow?”

Alt-left filmmaker Michael Moore called Owens’ presence at the speech “a sort of a ‘f-you’ to the people who are criticizing” Trump over the raid that lead to Ryan Owens’ death.”

The disgraceful comments prove that some on the left can turn literally anythinginto a partisan issue–even honoring the wife of a fallen hero.


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