Category: Business

How Small Businesses Plan to Grow in 2017 (+54 Stats on the State of SMB)

90% of online small businesses expect to grow their revenue in 2017. 45% expect to grow more than 25% year over year. This data, collected from a survey of 596 BigCommerce customers, mirrors that of the National Federation of Independent Businesses’ report, which found small business optimism and confidence in the economy is at a 12-year high. While the NFIB’s

Job Hunting Hack: Get Hired From a Single Post

One simple tactic on LinkedIn can lead to your absolutely ideal job. This approach is especially important if you do NOT have the qualifications, work history, education or experience that would make you a perfect candidate. So, if you have a strong interest or great enthusiasm but nothing on your resume that qualifies you, here’s your LinkedIn job hunting hack.

The Hard Thing About “Digital Transformation”

Premise: Everywhere you go on the internet, there is one thing that is prevalent. No, I am not talking about Donald Trump, though he seems to be prevalent almost everywhere as well. I am referring to “Digital Transformation”. I have been reading about digital transformation everywhere i go on the internet for sometime now and yet, I don’t yet see

3 Crucial Paradigm Shifts for Unparalleled Leadership Development

I’m in my 19th year working with the human side of business. Within that duration of time and exposure to a variety companies, you’d think nothing related to human resource or talent managment would surprise me. But still, there is. One of the most significant relates to leadership development. For years now, the same ineffective approaches and practices have been

Why You Must Transform Yourself Into An Exponential Thinker

If you look at the lives of people 50 years ago you’d see that the change experienced by their generation, the generation before them and the generation after was pretty much linear. What do I mean? Let’s consider your grandfather. There’s evidence that his parents, his grandparents, and his children (i.e. your parent) were used the same tools, lived similar

6 Major Things You Need To Know About an Invoice

For almost all businesses, invoices play a very big part in keeping the cash flowing in. While they are small documents done occasionally, if they aren’t done properly, it can mean the difference between a business meeting its financial obligations and one having to take more drastic measures, even closing down for good. However often business owners and freelancers interact

Performance Reviews: Are You Making These Mistakes?

Yearly reviews are commonplace in many organizations, but they are often dreaded by both the reviewers and the employees being reviewed. Managers feel uncomfortable giving out negative feedback, while those reporting to them stress while anticipating the feedback. The main problem of annual reviews, aside from their negative connotation, is that they are largely ineffective. A study found that job

Smart Leaders Ask Themselves These 10 Strategy Questions Every Day

“Strategy without execution is meaningless. Execution without engagement is impossible.”– Me Sounds pretty profound, doesn’t it? When you read the words, and look closely at their meaning, they’re so true. Think about it… if you have a strategy and you don’t execute on it, who cares that you even had a strategy to begin with? And if you try to

The Future of Facility Management

When it comes to the future of facilities management, “connection” is the keyword. People outside your organization are develop specialized facilities management knowledge – and they’re doing it fast. Within your organization you are likely receiving more and more specific questions, and you must find a way to bridge this gap. Facility management, then, should always be about figuring out

5 Leadership Lessons We Can Learn From Kids

As adults we often forget that at one point in our life we saw the world and the people around us in a much different light— one that is very similar to thinking of our child counterparts now. As we grow up and mature, we allow life and rules restrict some of the greatest instincts we had as children. Instead