Ungrateful Muslims Issue Warning To Trump: We Will Go Home If These Demands Aren’t Met IMMEDIATELY

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Even though they’re being fed, clothed and sheltered by a number of European governments, some of the Syrian refugees have spoken out to let the world know that they weren’t exactly thrilled with their current accommodations.

Recently in the Netherlands, during a shocking television segment about a fresh batch of Syrian migrants, a Dutch television reporter approached the Syrians after learning that they were sleeping outside in protest of the conditions they were living in.

“This is not a life when you get inside to a room without a TV. Just a bed, there is no fridge, no lockers, no privacy,” spouted an English-speaking Syrian woman with dyed red hair and nicer clothing than one might expect to see on a refugee.

“We’re going to stay outside because we don’t want to eat this food, and we don’t want to stay in the room. We’re running away from our country because of the situation, and now we live in a jail,” the woman continued, obviously disgusted by the modern, safe living environment provided at taxpayer expense.

The next morning, the reporter talked to her again, and she remained steadfast in her protest of such harsh living conditions. She even complained about the allowance they were receiving courtesy of the government of the Netherlands.

She told the stunned reporter that she thought they’d be better off going back to their Islamic State-infested Syrian homeland.

“Here, it is not a life. There, we know there is a war, but here there is no life. You are sitting here in jail. It’s the same situation, but in Syria you can live for real.

According to Breitbart, ironically, many migrants have complained about the influx of additional refugees, with some admitting that the various European governments can’t handle taking care of them all.

Still, one would think that being given shelter in a new, safe land would be enough for anyone who fled from a war-torn country currently in shambles.

What do you think? Should ungrateful refugees be given a permanent ticket back to Syria? Share this on Facebook and Twitter and let us know.


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