YouTube has a hidden ‘Dark Mode’ and here’s how you can activate it

Much has changed since YouTube was launched in 2005, but one thing we are stuck with is its white background. This might not be an issue with some users, but it surely is sore on your eyes. So next time you’re binge watching videos on YouTube why not give your eyes some downtime by switching the dark mode on.

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As discovered by a Redditor who goes by the moniker _paul-, the hidden dark mode, which is apparently available only on the latest versions of Google Chrome, is quite easy to activate. Once enabled, it applies automatically to the entire website, including the homepage and dedicated channel pages.

Here’s how you can do it:

> Make sure you have the most recent version of Google Chrome (version 57 and above)

> Go to Chrome’s developer tools tab (Windows users can open the developer tools tab by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I on Chrome, while Mac users will have to press Option + Cmd + I to do this.)

> Select the Console tab

> Once in Console, paste the following text:


> Hit enter

> Now close the developer window and refresh the page.

> YouTube might look bit different but it would still be in white. Go to the main setting menu in the top right and turn the ‘Dark Mode’ on.

Give it a try and let us know how you feel about it in the comments below.

The post YouTube has a hidden ‘Dark Mode’ and here’s how you can activate it appeared first on The Express Tribune.


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