Whoopi Goldberg Women’s March “The View” Video – WATCH!

Whoopi Goldberg Women's March Video


Whoopi Goldberg attended the Women’s March in New York City this weekend, and shared her experience on Monday’s “The View.” Watch below.

As Gossip Cop reported, on Saturday celebrities participated in the Women’s March on Washington, and in sister marches around the country. Goldberg was among the stars who took part in the Manhattan event, walking through the city’s streets and speaking to a crowd of thousands at a rally. She now said on the talk show, “It was kind of amazing.”

“The View” sent a camera crew to accompany Goldberg, and in the edited footage, she says in a voiceover, “Whatever the cause, people showed up, stood up, and they damn well spoke up.” In the clips, the moderator is seen engaging with strangers, and telling the camera at one point, “We’re here, they’re here, little kids are here because they know something’s wrong.”

Goldberg, who was introduced for her speech by former co-host Rosie Perez, told those gathered, “This is on us, every one one of us here in this audience, in this march, everywhere around the world. This change is on us, and if we, the people who are here, do not take that to heart and do not understand that we’ve got to go further than you ever thought you could, because what’s at stake is everything you believe in.”

In addition to sharing Goldberg’s first-hand account, the panelists also discussed other perspectives of the marches, including the controversy over pro-life women allegedly being excluded. “That hurt me as a woman, because I want us all to be able to stand together against things like misogyny,” Jedediah Bila said. Check out the videos below.


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