U.S. State Department Confirms Iran NEVER Signed Treaty, Obama’s Nuclear Deal Fully Illegal

This article is an exceptional piece crafted by CDP Editor Martin Walsh

He deserves prison

In a breaking news story, we have received evidence that Obama and John Kerry did not require Irans leaders to sign the nuclear deal that his team negotiated with the regime, and the deal is not “legally binding,” his administration acknowledged.

Obama and Iran agreed that a legally binding deal would be strongly discouraged and disapproved of in the United States, so they wanted to skip the “legally binding” part and just give Iran everything they asked for if Iran promised not to use the nuclear weapons on countries.

In a non legally binding agreement, Iran was given:

  • A lift on $100 billion in sanctions.
  • They were paid more than $36 billion for “long overdue actions.”
  • Unlimited access to trade with Europe again.
  • A lift on the arms embargo. They can buy and sell weapons from anyone, anywhere, anytime they want to.
  • They are allowed to run “safety tests” on themselves.
  • They report “illegal actions” themselves to the U.N. Meaning, Iran will tell Obama and the U.N. if they are acting criminally or inappropriately.

What the United States got:

  • Anti-American propaganda videos where American sailors were captured and humiliated.
  • Iran has test-fired an illegal long-range missile on several occasions.
  • Iran detained dozens of Americans and held them until Obama paid them a ransom.

That is it. We got absolutely nothing. We armed a jihadi maniac with nuclear weapons and gave them everything they asked for.

There is a silver lining: The deal was never signed, so two things can occur.

First, Trump can…


The post U.S. State Department Confirms Iran NEVER Signed Treaty, Obama’s Nuclear Deal Fully Illegal appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.


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