This canadian university has a wudu washing station for muslims

According to Canada’s Metro News, the University of Regina in Saskatchewan “is going to great lengths” to help its Muslim students avoid washing their feet in sinks.

The outlet reports that, in 2013, the university installed foot-baths that allow Muslim students to conduct wudu before praying, which they do multiple times daily.

“I’ve seen them do it,” said then-U of R student president Nathan Sgrazzutti at the time. “It’s tough for them. We’re showing our ability to cater to their needs.”

“There was a bit of a push from our Muslim students society as well as the students union, and the university was very receptive.”

The two baths were reportedly installed in a men’s washroom at the school for a total cost of $35,000.

“I haven’t been in the women’s washroom,” Sgrazzutti reportedly added. “But I’m under the understanding that [the foot baths are] in both.”

An image of the washing stations via Metro News

Speaking with CKOM, Muslim students at the university praised the sinks.

“If you are not clean, angels cannot direct you,” said Mammad Huseynof.

“It’s kind of a necessity before you’re going to prayer,” said Mohammed Telhe.

Barbara Kay, in an opinion column for The National Post – one of Canada’s more ‘conservative’ news outlets, to put things into perspective – described the addition as “a reasonable accommodation for students who benefit greatly from the convenience, since the designated sinks involve a fixed cost, not significant in the scheme of things.”

Not everyone is feeling positive about the wudu stations, however.

“Why is this in the washroom at my university?” wrote Jacqueliene Danielle in a Facebook group called ‘Anti-SJW.’

“Okay this is deeply f*cked up,” commented Daniel Calado II. “Send this to Pamala Geller or Milo, hey Milo Yiannopoulos, look at this sh*t.”


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