Sweden: Muslim classmates gang rape 14-year-old girl in school, remain enrolled because “rapists are victims too,” says principal

Any civilization that sacrifices its young girls to an invading army has no future at all.

Sweden is a stunning indictment of liberal polices of multiculturalism, political correctness and “tolerance” (of evil) in action. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

All three youths involved were our students here and all three are, in a way, victims in this case.

Sweden is done, finished. Cooked, like the Ramadan goat.

Sweden: Classmates gang rape 14y/o girl in school, remain enrolled because “rapists are victims too,” says principal

Searchlight Germany, March 7, 2017:

A 14-year-old Swedish girl who was sexually abused in her school by two boys is now receiving her education at another school, while the attackers remain enrolled at their current school. One of them, a 16-year-old carrying the Arab name Ajuub, suffers from an “impaired ability to understand what is right and wrong,” the verdict stated. He was therefore punished mildly. Other school kids’ parents, as well as the principal, are now unhappy with the situation.

The gang rape was committed on the 30th of May last year at the restrooms of a school in Skane, in the south of Sweden. Both boys, Ajuub plus an unnamed 15-year-old, raped the victim vaginally as well as orally. They were sentenced in December, Sydsvenskan reports. Ajuub was convicted to 100 hours of youth service plus 24 meetings with a social worker “in order to learn to make better decisions,” while the 15-year-old is considered by Swedish law to be too young to be held criminally responsible and has thus been set free.
The first few days following the sex assault, the girl, called Tindra, was too afraid to tell her mother about the ordeal, not daring to go back to school again. Apparently, the youngest assailant had spread rumours about the victim for several months, calling her “a whore that sells sex for money.” He also threatened the girl with violence.

‘Rapist is a victim too’

The school principal, who wishes to remain anonymous, says he “struggles” with the case and thinks about it “every day and every hour.” He’d furthermore like a “dialogue with the government” on the issue.
When addressing parents’ concerns, the principal says he didn’t feel the need to officially notify them since:

“there is no obligation for a school to go out and announce that there’s a student who has been convicted of rape.”

He then suddenly starts talking about “taking the whole picture into account,” and the interview takes an even odder twist:

All three youths involved were our students here and all three are, in a way, victims in this case. The boy who was convicted has gotten a pretty harsh punishment, which turns him into a victim as well.”

‘Feminist moral superpower’ fails miserably
Ann Heberlein, a woman whose friend has a daughter in the school, recently wrote about the case, demanding much harsher punishment for the perpetrators of sexual violence. “Who cares about Tindra,” she wonders.

“Swedish schools that have gender and equality enshrined in their value system, which emphasizes gender perspective in their curricula, that invites feminists to teach girls self-defense, and that provide lessons in sex education to girls in order to strengthen them into not doing stuff that they do not want, and admonishing the boys to obtain the girls’ consent if they want to have sex with them, have completely lost it. How can a country that aspires to be a ‘moral superpower’ and a government that prides itself on being ‘feminist’ fail so miserably in living up to its own ambitions?”
“School should be a safe place. The fact that our children won’t have to be in the same classroom as a convicted criminal, should go without saying – and that a girl who has been raped will not have to face their rapists on her way to school or when she is out walking her dog, should be the minimum requirement that can be asked from our rule of law.”

Another school rape
Besides the scandal mentioned above, Swedish media yesterday reported on another school rape, this time in Kalmar, also in the south of Sweden.
In this case, both the victim and the assailant are under 15 years of age, SVT reports, so the attacker will go free. Even though the school board was obliged to immediately notify the social services on the sex crime, it waited for several days.


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