‘Suspicious’ American military activity in Jordan

Reports by the armed terrorists have talked of American and Jordanian forces present at the border with Syria. At first this presence may seem normal, were it not for another simultaneous occurrence.

On March 26th, American vehicle carrier ship “Liberty Passion” left “Livorno” port in Italy. This port is one of the main ports used by the American 6th fleet to transport military equipment and to supply its forces in conflict zones with arms and ammunition.

This past March 26th, the giant American vehicle transport ship “Liberty Passion” left Italy’s Livorno port. The port is one of the most important ones used by the American 6th fleet to transport military equipment, and to supply its forces in conflict zones with supplies and ammunition.

“Livorno” port is also located close to one of America’s largest logistic services warehouses on the Mediterranean, the “Camp Darby” warehouse, which holds dozens of stores for strategic munitions. The port was also where the naval forces attacking Libya were launched from in 2011.

Then on March 31st, the ship arrived to Romania carrying 250 military vehicles, some of which were dropped off for routine military exercices.

The only official American comment on the movement of the ship, which carries military vehicles such as “Humvees”, tanks, transport trucks, and helicopters, is that it’s set to partake in “security preservation” missions in this region of the world. Usually, this term is used to denote military operations in which the navy and American forces partake, knowing that American forces in Europe under the leadership of “EUCOM” supply the forces in the middle central leadership “CENTCOM”. The two leaderships currently coordinate with one another in operations in Iraq in Syria.
On April 6th, the ship left the Romanian coastline heading towards the Eastern Mediterranean; when the king of Jordan was meeting with President Trump, the ship was on its way to its next destination.

The ship entered the Suez Canal at 5:04 AM this past Friday, one hour and 12 minutes after the Shoayrat airbase attack, and reached the port of Aqaba in Jordan at 9:49 P.M on the same day, on April 7th.

The ship’s course was predestined at 7 stops, but its arrival to Jordan coincided with the American attack on Syria.

The American 6th fleet, which the ship became part of since it arrived to Romania 10 days ago, has a number of allied ports that supply it with fuel whenever it should so need in different geographical locations in the Mediterranean (Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, and Occupied Palestine). Its stop in Jordan was not routine.
Moreover, a ship as large as the Liberty Passion (15330 square meters) does not move between ports just for show. The ship, which the American navy had celebrated receiving this March 3rd, was able to ship hundreds of military vehicles. After staying in Jordan for 40 hours, it headed on Sunday to Jeddah port in Saudi Arabia, where it remained for several hours before leaving.

The American navy made no official statements on the ship’s mission in Jordan, but statements by the armed factions hinted that it dropped off specialized vehicles to support the “Free Syrian Army”, estimating that a battle would be launched from the south similar to “Euphrates Shield” in the North, under direct U.S supervision.
This estimate also intersects with another being discussed in pro-Syria circles, which says that the American attack on Syria in fact paves the way for direct American control in the north by the Iraq border and south by the Jordan border. In order to achieve this goal, Washington needs to increase its support for the “Democratic forces of Syria” in the North, and its allied factions in the South.

These indications, coupled with King Abdullah of Jordan’s statements to the “Washington Post” during his Washington visit, on his fear of a “geographical link between Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Hezbollah”, and that “the Revolutionary Guard is 70 kilometers away from the borders with Jordan,” clearly indicate that what the Jordanian guest discussed in the White House was more than simple Arab courtesies, but rather has to do with an operational agreement being made at the Syrian-Jordanian border.


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