Stanford U Developing Islamic Courses for Secondary Schools

Stanford University is being used to proselytize for Islam through the Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies.

The director of the Abbasi Program at Stanford, Robert Crews, said several years ago:

“African-Americans are subjected to legal state violence and massive incarceration.” Later, he described American foreign policy as “The fetishistic abuse of brown and black, Arab and African bodies” and referred to “Latinos” being “targeted in . . . operations.” After stating his intention to “focus first on the American context and its relationship to global militancy,” Crews detailed an extensive list of grievances against the U.S., including “widespread torture,” “Abu Ghraib,” “Guantanamo,” “solitary confinement,” “black sites,” “war crimes,” “the military justice system,” and “films like American Sniper, Lone Survivor, Zero Dark Thirty.”

Turning briefly to the subject at hand, Crews expressed his displeasure not with the perpetrators of the Paris attacks, but with the Western response, which he ascribed to anti-Muslim bigotry and media manipulation:

The media presents [sic] all the values of Western civilization under vicious assault by the forces of barbarism, savagery, and unreason. Citizens everywhere identified with the slogan “Je Suis Charlie Hebdo.” Civilization against the humorless and thin-skinned Muslims who fail to accept the conventions of modern times, citizenship among them. What was the incidence which demanded the presence of global elites? It was perfect for the global media stage.

Of the attack’s victims or the savagery of mass murder, he said nothing.

“Stanford’s ‘Terror, Freedom, Blasphemy’ Panel: Blithering Academic Incoherence,” by Cinnamon Stillwell and Rima Greene, Jihad Watch, February 25, 2015

The Abbasi Program offers podcasts featuring Robert Crews, Keith Ellison, Tariq Ramadan, Joel Benin, John Esposito, Michael Wolfe of the Unity Productions Fund, Reza Aslan, Sherman Jackson, Black Lives Matter, etc.

As if that were not bad enough, it is developing a curriculum for teaching Islam in high schools and middle schools.

Stanford U Developing Islamic Courses for Secondary Schools:

Stanford Institute on Islam:

Course Description:

Join Stanford scholars in exploring how you can deepen your students’ understanding of Islam and Muslim societies. Establish a critical background on elementary concepts, practices, traditions of Islam. Acquire tools for navigating the complex questions concerning arts, gender, immigration, the Islamic State. Explore strategies to expand your students’ appreciation of the diversity of Muslim societies and cultures, and develop ways to integrate the study of Islam into your curriculum.

The Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies and Center to Support Excellence in Teaching at Stanford invite middle- and high-school instructors (teaching grades 6-12) and community college educators to participate in the Stanford Institute on Islam, a Saturday series that explores how the study of this global religion can be incorporated into the teaching of History, Social Studies, Current Affairs, the Arts, and related subjects.


April 22 | Key Concepts in the Study of Islam
An introduction to the elementary beliefs, concepts, practices for a complex understanding of Islam in its historical and cultural diversity.

April 29 | Islamic State & Politics
A critical engagement with Islamic State and its political implications.

May 6 | Refugees, Immigration, Islam
A critical look at the issue of refugees, immigration, and cultural contact zones, past and present.

May 13 | Islam, Arts, Gender
Investigate how notions of arts and gender can be complicated through a study of Muslim societies and cultures.

May 20 | Final Presentations & Wrap-up
An opportunity to share your final assignment with fellow course participants and special guests.

Keywords: religion, history, arts, politics, diversity, immigration, international relations, globalism


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