Sarah Jessica Parker: I’m “Terrified” Trump Fans May Shoot Me !

Sarah Jessica Parker, a high-profile Hollywood liberal, says Donald Trump is elected she fears that her husband, Matthew Broderick, and herself will be attacked and killed.

SJP, whose new show Divorce begins this Sunday, told Time Out New York, “The thing I keep saying is that even if — please, God — Trump is  elected, I’m afraid there is now a climate that has said in silence that it is okay to hurt anybody you not-so-secretly disagree with. … Whether it’s how they look or the lifestyle you think they’re leading or the color of their skin, or they’ve come here to, you know, take advantage of this country. I’m terrified.”

She then decided to add, “I feel like someone is just going to hit us. They’re just going to reach out and smack us or beat the shit of us or, I don’t know, shoot us, shoot my friends. I’m not being dramatic when I think of this. I’m shocked.”
Parker did forget to mention, however, that Trump appeared on her television show, Sex and the City years ago.



Parker said she will “fight to the bitter end” to protect any American’s right to vote for Trump, but “you don’t have to hurt me to do it. And you don’t have to hate me to do it. I don’t hate you; I wish I understood you.”
She ended the interview by remembering the 2012 election, stating, “I can’t believe I was so scared of Mitt Romney… It was so scary to me. I’m scared again.”
Parker is not the only famous celebrity to bash the Republican nominee.
The list of celebrities include: Jon Stewart, Chelsea Handler, Cher, Whoopi Goldberg, Miley Cyrus, and Amy Schumer, among others.
The Grammy award winning singer Cher tweeted, “If he were to be elected, I’m moving to Jupiter >:|”
Miley Cyrus proclaimed in an Instagram post, “My heart is broken into a 100000 pieces…I am moving if this is my president! I don’t say things I don’t mean!”
Even Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made no secret of her feelings toward Donald Trump. In an interview with The New York Times, she said she would move to New Zealand, because she “can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president.”


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