Russian Warships On Course Toward U.S. Naval Vessels That Sacked Syrian Airbase


Last night, after President Trump made a decisive move against the heinous Assad regime in Syria, who are accused of utilizing outlawed chemical weapons in an attack on his own people.

The response to this reprehensible human rights violation was swift and bold. Fifty nine Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched from a U.S. Navy Destroyer rained down on an airfield in the beleaguered nation – a military installation that had previously been identified as the source of the chemical strike. The airstrike came as a surprise to many around the globe, as well as to the Russian troops on the ground in Syria who were given approximately 90 minutes of warning regarding the storm of destruction headed their way.

Speculation regarding Russia’s response began almost immediately on primetime news networks, and continues throughout Friday. Now, reports have surfaced that a Russian warship is on course toward the Navy destroyer responsible for the strike, with its intentions not yet clear.

“Fox News reports that a Russian warship ‘has entered the eastern Mediterranean, heading toward two U.S. Navy destroyers that launched airstrikes last night.’

“Russia’s TASS news service reported on Friday that a Black Sea frigate was heading into the Mediterranean:

“‘The Russian Black Sea Fleet’s frigate The Admiral Grigorovich, currently on a routine voyage, is to enter the Mediterranean later on Friday, a military-diplomatic source in Moscow told TASS, adding that the ship would make a stop at the logistics base in Syria’s port of Tartus.’

“’The Russian ship armed with cruise missiles Kalibr will visit the logistics base in Tartus, Syria,’ the source said.

“‘The Admiral Grigorovich is currently near the Black Sea straits. It is scheduled to enter the Mediterranean at about 14:00 Moscow time. The ship left on a voyage after replenishing supplies at Novorossiisk and taking part in a joint exercise with Turkish ships in the Black Sea.’

Tensions between the two Cold War opponents has been teetering on the edge of chaos for months, as the Obama administration hurled accusations toward the Kremlin of interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. New President Donald Trump has expressed a great deal of optimism regarding relations with Vladimir Putin’s government, despite inheriting a mess created by Barack Obama that some believe may have been exacerbated by his desire to stymy Trump.

The post Russian Warships On Course Toward U.S. Naval Vessels That Sacked Syrian Airbase appeared first on The Constitution.


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