Quebec cops now say Alexandre Bissonnette sole suspect in “Allahu akbar” shooting at mosque

More questions than answers.

“Quebec cops now say Alexandre Bissonnette sole suspect in ‘Allahu akbar’ shooting at mosque,” by Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, January 30, 2017:

“Witnesses said at least one gunman shouted ‘Allahu akbar!’ while opening fire at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre Sunday night, killing six men.”

“A possible motive was unclear. Police said they did not believe there were other suspects.”

But since witnesses said there was “at least” one gunman, it may be that another suspect or suspects may emerge.

Meanwhile, the “Allahu akbar” remains mysterious. If Bissonnette shouted it, was he an “Islamophobe” mocking his Muslim victims? Or is he a convert to Islam, killing those whom he believed to be members of some deviant or heretical sect, in accord with Islam’s death penalty for heretics and apostates? Or did someone else scream this out, or no one at all? News reports thus far have not been helpful in making much sense of what happened here.

“Only 1 man arrested in Quebec mosque terror attack is a suspect, police say,”, January 30, 2017:

Only one of the two men arrested in the minutes after the terror attack at a mosque in Quebec City is a suspect, police revealed Monday, saying the other man they handcuffed was a witness.

The lone suspect was identified as Alexandre Bissonnette, a student at the nearby Laval University, a law enforcement source told Reuters.

Police initially named Mohamed el Khadir as a second suspect, The Associated Press reported, before cops apparently backtracked.

Witnesses said at least one gunman shouted ‘Allahu akbar!’ while opening fire at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre Sunday night, killing six men.

Police said they arrested one man outside the mosque — and another suspect turned himself in, calling 911 less than 20 minutes later and giving officers his location in d’Orleans so they could arrest him. It was unclear whether Bissonnette was the man who made the phone call.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the attack, calling it a “terrorist attack on Muslims.” The attack unfolded in the men’s section of the mosque….

A possible motive was unclear. Police said they did not believe there were other suspects.

One gunman was armed with an AK-47, the Le Soleil newspaper reported.

“The bullets hit people that were praying. People who were praying lost their lives. A bullet passed right over my head,” a witness who asked to remain anonymous told Radio Canada….


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