Protester Punches Conservative Woman During Women’s March…Liberal Crowd Blames The Woman

Whiny women took to the streets to complain about President Trump’s inauguration

Millions of people across the globe poured onto the streets in defiant protest of President Donald J Trump. No, the left hasn’t suddenly gained the power to effectively organize and do something constructive. The movement consisted mainly of entitled millennial women and their beta-male followers stirring up faux outrage while they posed for Instagram pictures.

A man punched a conservative, pro-life woman in the face at a rally in Canada and feminists rounded upon the woman instead of her attacker. The sisterhood does a poor job protecting women. They only care abut the bleeding hearts and sob stories that fit easily into their leftist narrative.

The agitators couched their motives in pretty words. “We march to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.”

Don’t read into those words too much. Liberal feminists don’t give a damn about the marginalized. Oh sure, they’re willing to scream themselves hoarse for transgender rights and they constantly repeat myths about unequal pay but they’re blind to real suffering.

Pro-choice women marched in the millions this week

“There are…several misconceptions about feminism…the main one [is]: ‘feminism is about gender equality’. Anyone who has ever talked to a feminist for any length of time will know that this is not true. Feminism consistently sees the world from the perspective of women…”

Feminists will blather endlessly about “equality” when what they really want is to dominate over a world of subservient men. The Merriam Webster definition of feminism is rarely, if ever, practiced in real life. The hypocrisy is evident in their raging support for Hillary Clinton. Oily Clinton is not only awful in her own right but she married a serial sex abuser and tried to silence his accusers. “She should be held accountable for allowing her surrogates to slut-shame and trash-shame her husband’s mistresses, and her personal record when it comes to sex abuse isn’t exactly stellar,” writes The Hill.

Yet feminists swallowed their supposed morals and championed Clinton’s failed presidential bid. “To their shame, Hillary-supporting feminists have shown more concern for the box office failures of a group of fictional female exorcists than they have the trauma of these flesh-and-blood women…”

Most Westerners are both humanist and anti-feminist, they believe in equality and despise the nonsense that infects modern-day feminism. Their movement is hollow. There are pockets of real brutality in the world where women truly have been reduced to chattel. Western women yammering about made-up problems steals attention from the women who really need it.

Modern-day feminists exclude conservative women

Feminism’s toxic rhetoric needs to be combated. Entitled, whiny women warped a cause that was born out of true necessity. “The idea that we should care for and respect one another equally because we are all humans has been around for centuries, long before feminism burst onto the scene and chained itself to the scene’s railings while trying to set itself on fire.”

Feminists spew hatred towards housewives, conservatives, straight white men, men in general, pro-lifers, gun owners, the list goes on. Their fighting a non-existent enemy. Clinton may not have been a suitable candidate, but she was still the Democratic candidate for President of the United States. Women aren’t bogged down by the patriarchy; hard-working women, even undeserving ones like Clinton, can rise to the top of their field.

The liberal media took a break from fawning to express doubt about inclusiveness of the women’s rallies across the world. “Still, many pro-life women…struggled to find their place in the overtly pro-choice Women’s March. A few pro-life feminist groups even asked to be included as partner organizations for the march, but were rejected,” VOX reports.

Pro-life women aren’t covered under modern feminists umbrella of protection. The free the nipple camp dismisses conservative women like they’re members of the patriarchy.

“We are anti-abortion, but we’re also pro-woman,” Kristina Hernandez, director of communications for Students for Life of America, told Vox. “We want to be compassionate and open to dialogue on the other side.”

The women’s march on Washington was a pointless revolt against a fairly elected president

Pro-life advocate aren’t the dragons depicted by the left. They’re real women with legitimate concerns. They don’t hurl insults at women entering abortion clinics. Messages offering support and understanding are far more common than hateful ones. Many pro-lifers believe both that abortion is wrong because it takes an innocent life, but also that women deserve something better.

Pro-life activists were harassed by marchers when they showed up to women’s rallies with signs like “Abortion Betrays Women” and “Abortion Is A Symptom Of Women’s Oppression, Not A Solution To It.

“It was brutal,” Hernandez said. “We had marchers screaming at us, ripping up our signs, one spit on us.” Not everybody reacted that way, though; she said that one group of young women with pro-choice signs “shouted at us, ‘We still love you!’ I almost ran over and hugged them.”

Today’s feminists aren’t inspired by compassion, rather they’re allegiance to the sisterhood is born out of hatred and feelings of inadequacy. They use violence against anyone who does not agree with them, and we should never accept that as normal.

The post Protester Punches Conservative Woman During Women’s March…Liberal Crowd Blames The Woman appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.


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