Pissed Off Veterans Take Matters Into Their Own Hands After Seeing SICK Thing VA Hospital Did With Trump’s Pic

Despite the many hats that the President of the United States wears, his primary job is still to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Much of the respect that other nations give him is because he controls the movements of the greatest military force on earth.

After these formidable men and women in uniform have completed their service, they are forever entitled to certain support and benefits. One of these benefits is health care provided by the Veterans Affairs office, which is overseen by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Because of this, the portrait of both the President and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs are supposed to hang in each VA hospital, but for some reason, the frames are empty at the hospital in West Palm Beach. This happens to be the hospital where congressman and dual-amputee veteran Brian Mast seeks his treatment.

Pissed Off Veterans Take Matters Into Their Own Hands After Seeing SICK Thing VA Hospital Did With Trump’s Pic

Via CBS:

“Congressman Brian Mast, himself a veteran, brought the men and the portraits to the facility and demanded they be installed. The whole thing was caught on camera.

This video shows first term Congressman Brian Mast and a group of veterans taking action.

Mast’s office says he was contacted by several constituents who wore this country’s uniform with the same issue – they wanted to know why President Donald Trump’s portrait and Secretary David Schulkin’s portrait were not there to greet visitors at the VA hospital.”

The Congressman is obviously dedicated to fixing this problem, as is Army veteran, John Rourke:

“Two blank holes, it’s been 60 something days now. The veterans administration has been asked about it a few times, the local VA hospital has and they haven’t had any real reason other than they didn’t have the picture, which is readily available.

“That’s the person who would ultimately give the order for us to put our lives in danger and we believe that his picture should be displayed there proudly.”

Despite the actions of Congressman Mast and his fellow veterans, the VA took the portraits down shortly after they were installed. A spokeswoman told CBS that “the congressman’s actions and the actions of the veterans who accompanied him were ‘inappropriate’ and that the cell phone video was not legally obtained.

(Source: CBS Local)


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