Obama Could Be Smacked With 20 Years In Prison For What He Was Just Caught Secretly Doing To Trump

Over the past several weeks, we have learned of Obama’s intricate plot to take down President Trump, after it was revealed that he is the leader behind Organization For Action (OFA), a violent group whose stated mission is to “resist” Trump at all costs necessary. But as Obama trains his tens of thousands of little minions in violent Saul Alinsky tactics and sets up his shadow government, it looks like the former president’s cockiness might just be his downfall. What Obama was caught doing is so illegal, that it could land him 20 years behind bars according to the following breaking report.

Despite being a “Constitutional scholar,” it looks like Obama must’ve been high on crack the day that his Harvard professor was giving a lecture about a little thing called “sedition,” which carries quite a hefty consequence should any American be caught engaging in it. And with evidence mounting that Obama is in fact trying to actively overthrow our government, U.S. code 2384 could prove to be quite an unfortunate little detail for Obama, since he could be smacked with 20 years in prison for breaking it. Check it out:

Don’t think that Obama is guilty sedition? Think again. Yesterday it was reported how Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood ex-senior advisor Valerie Jarret is moving into Obama’s house (aka nerve center) just a mere two miles from the White House in order to help him build momentum behind his insurgency against President Trump. Former Attorney General Eric Holder even validated this plot on Tuesday, publicly stating that Obama is in fact trying to take Trump down, saying the former president is now returning to Washington as a full time political operative.

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“It’s coming. He’s coming,” Holder told reporters. “And he’s ready to roll.”

A family source close to Obama also stated that Obama was “weary” after 8 years in office and had to “be convinced” to lead the insurgency against Trump, but has now “come to embrace his role as the leader of the opposition against Trump, whose policies he loathes and whose presidency he considers illegitimate,” according to the report.

The source went on to tell the Daily Mail that Obama’s ultimate goal is to force Trump to step down from office, either through resignation or impeachment, and that Obama is furious and “dismayed” at how Trump is destroying his legacy.

Info Wars has more:

As part of the effort, in its final days in office, the Obama administration sought to sabotage Trump’s incoming presidency by spreading, “information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians,” according to a New York Times report.

The Obama-led insurgency is also being fueled by a constant drumbeat of pressure over the administration’s alleged links to Russia, the latest example targeting Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

We continue to see Obama’s fingerprints all over liberals’ massive hysteria to take down Trump, and their latest fake news push about AG Jeff Sessions’ ties with the Russians only proves this even more. But what’s most disturbing is that they WILL NOT STOP until Trump is removed from office, even if that means breaking the law.

Obama better slow his roll if he knows what’s good for him. He’s always gotten away with his antics in the past, since he’s so good at lying, and BS-ing his way through most situations. But unfortunately for Obama, our new president doesn’t play these little games. And if it can be proven that Obama is actively trying to overthrow our government, Trump will without a doubt lock this little traitor up and throw away the key!


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