Muslim Student In Portland ADMITS During an Interfaith Meeting Non-Believers will be Killed

A Muslim student on an interfaith panel at Portland State University claimed that apostates will be killed or banished in Islamic countries.

Although unclear if the student was advocating for the killing of apostates or merely expressing the realities of countries run under Koranic law, a student on an interfaith panel event at Portland State University argued that non-believers would be either banished or killed in countries led under Koranic law.

“That is only considered a crime when the country is based on Koranic law,” the student said, speaking about the legality of being a non-believer in an Islamic country. “That means is there is no other law than the Koran. So in that case, you are given the liberty to leave the country. I am not going to sugarcoat it. So if you go to a different country…but in a Muslim country, a country based on Koranic law, disbelieving or being an infidel, is not allowed, so you will be given the choice.”

Journalist Andy C. Ngo, who is also a graduate student at Portland State University, recorded the panel event and spoke with the Muslim student following the panel discussion. Ngo claims that the student wasn’t merely expressing the realities of countries led under Koranic law, but rather expressing her personal perspective on punishment for apostates as an adherent to the faith.

Muslim Student In Portland ADMITS During an Interfaith Meeting…

Muslim Student In Portland ADMITS During an Interfaith Meeting Non-Believers will be Killed

Posted by News World Paper on Monday, May 1, 2017


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