Muslim Refugees Respond: Western Host Countries Have “Too Much” Freedom And Patriotism

Pious Muslims reject the freedom of the West

The steady inundation of Muslim refugees has warped Western culture. Adherents to conservative Islam clash with our society. Nearly half of refugees polled in Austria believe that citizens of their host country have too much freedom.

Islam demands obedience from its followers. Pious Muslims glorify Allah by bowing their heads and trudging after whatever man (and it’s always a man) has been deemed to be in control. They lack belief in human greatness. Allah isn’t pleased by ingenuity; he doesn’t ask his devotees to compose music or create art.

Devout Muslims dragged into Western rarely desire to truly assimilate. Our culture is too alien.

The Austrian study found that “sixty per cent [of refugees] said that they were actively religious and 30 per cent say they pray five times a day or more…Only two per cent claimed they weren’t religious. On the subject of people with a different religion, 45 per cent…viewed other religions as inferior to Islam. Less than half, 40 per cent, would accept their children marrying someone from a different religious background without some kind of reservation.”

Muslim refugees fled their country under duress, not because of any lust for a more secular life. Most would rather be in their home countries. You can’t force feed change to someone who doesn’t want it. Many Westerners who were wide-eyed champions of “diversity” lost their idealism when confronted with the unruly, violent horde of men who’ve been rushing west in the past few years.

Many refugees yearn for Sharia law

Of those surveyed, “40 per cent say that the laws of the country should be based on religious principles and commandments. Attitudes towards equality between men and women was also asked…20 per cent reject the idea of women working outside the home, 37 per cent call for separation of the sexes in swimming pools and gyms, and 20 per cent are for separate religious education.”

Integration is an expensive and time-consuming process that has no guarantees. A man who believes that women belong in the kitchen is a man that’s poorly suited to live in the West. The liberal pretense that we can all skip happily along no matter our background is absurd. Skin color doesn’t matter, nationality doesn’t matter, but beliefs do.

After more than two years of pandering to liberal ideals, government officials are finally admitting that their grand social experiment was a bust. Declining support from her base forced Angela Merkel, hero to the refugees, to pivot and abandon many of her positions. Germany’s “open doors” slammed shut.

German police officers raided migrant centers this week in a concentrated effort to deport Afghan migrants. They nabbed hundreds of people and swiftly sent them home to Kabul. It’s a clear departure for the woman that was lauded as TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year for her open-armed acceptance of the millions of refugees.

Germany is in turmoil after more than a million refugees entered the country last year

The way to help the world’s refugees isn’t to resettle them in the West. That’s not even what they want. The best way to help refugees is to eliminate the desire to become one. Syrians wouldn’t be fleeing if their country wasn’t trapped in the grip of Islamic extremism. Defeating ISIS would improve their lives far more than simply moving them into a migrant center.

Anti-immigration feeling is rising as more and more cities are blasted by terrorist attacks. Rasha al-Khadra, a 40-year-old dentist and a single mother from Damascus, told reporters in Germany that “European nations must deal with the threat of terrorism to prevent populists from gaining ground…many migrants who have come to Germany are unwilling to assimilate, fueling resentment against all refugees among Germans.”

We don’t have the ability to distinguish between a man who plans to commit jihad and a man’s who simply a pious Muslim. President Trump’s temporary refugee ban wasn’t inspired by malice, but prudence. There are millions of people who want to hurt us, and we need to protect ourselves.

“In a handbook released by the Islamic State last year, the group itself publicly imagined a scenario in which Muslim refugees living in Western countries would turn against their host nations as a result of frequent anti-immigrant tensions.”

Terrorists feed off of our discomfort and use religion to urge to followers to despicable acts.

Terrorists continue to infiltrate Western countries disguised as refugees

“[We] owe it to the victims, those affected and the entire populous to rethink and adjust our entire immigration and security policy,” Horst Seehofer, the head of Bavaria’s Christian Social Union and Merkel’s former ally said in a speech given just hours after the Berlin Christmas market attack.

We aren’t living in a Disney movie. Policy decisions need to reflect reality, not the world we wish were living in. It’s foolish to throw open our borders and let everyone stream in unimpeded.

Muslim refugees won’t be happy living in the West unless they can learn to embrace our openness and freedom.

The post Muslim Refugees Respond: Western Host Countries Have “Too Much” Freedom And Patriotism appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.


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