Mayor Hogsett to join Marion County prosecutor for partnership announcement with Nextdoor

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.– Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry will be joined by Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett and Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) Chief Bryan Roach Monday afternoon for an announcement regarding a partnership with the Nextdoor app.

Nextdoor is a social media network for neighborhoods and communities. It can be used to share crime information, prevention methods and information on things to look out for. The app can be downloaded on mobile devices, and it can be used on computers as well.

“Nextdoor is the best way to stay in the know about what’s going on in your neighborhood—whether it’s finding a last-minute babysitter, learning about an upcoming block party, or hearing about a rash of car break-ins,” the company says on its website.

In May 2016, IMPD joined 1,600 other public agencies across the nation on the network to help connect with citizens. IMPD can target messages to verified residents of specific neighborhoods or to residents in all of the 580 neighborhoods in the city that are on Nextdoor.

Residents should still call 911 in order report crimes.

The press conference will take place Monday at 2:30 p.m. You can watch a live stream here at that time.


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