London attack: Four dead and twenty injured after terror incident in Westminster

A police officer has been stabbed and an alleged assailant shot by armed police outside the Houses of Parliament.

Here's what we know so far:

Police officer died after being stabbed outside Parliamen

Two people reported dead after a car ploughed into crowd on Westminster bridge causing multiple casualties

Metropolitan police are treating this as a terrorist incident

Eyewitness account of the stabbing incident outside Parliament gate

Donald Trump has been briefed on the attack, Sean Spicer confirms

Theresa May was '40 yards away' from scene of stabbing, was immediately evacuated and confirmed safe

House of Commons session suspended and MPs evacuate

No10 spokesperson:

“The thoughts of the PM and the Government are with those killed and injured in this appalling incident, and with their families.

“The PM is being kept updated and will shortly chair COBR.”

Home Secretary Amber Rudd: "We do not yet know the full impact of this terrible incident. But I know the whole country will be thinking and praying for those affected, as I am.

"I want to thank the emergency services for the quick response and pay tribute to their bravery, their courage and their professionalism.

"I've been briefs by the Met Police and by the security services and the security minister has also been updated.

"This is an gongoing incident and the government will continue to be updated. The prime minister will chair Cobra today.

"The government's top priority is the security of its people and I urge eveyrone to remain clam but to be vigilent and if they see anything they are concerned about they should report it to the police.

Martin Vickers, Tory MP for Cleethorpes, says that the "democratic process will not be thwarted" by terrorism and that the risk of such attacks are "one of the prices you pay for being in public life".

"We were walking through the corridors, the cloisters, as we know it, in the old part of the palace having come through the tunnel from our office on this side (Whitehall) of the main road.

"We were heading towards the voting lobbies and what we now know was, I think it was, three shots rang out.

"I was sort of 50 or 60 yards behind my colleagues who were heading in the same direction.

"We heard what we now know were shots and colleagues in front of us turned and ran, presumably on the advice of the security services.

"We were told to get out of the building.

Police say that they are satisfied there was just one attacker. But the operation is going on and they will continue to be vigilant, says Mark Rowley.

Commons Leader David Lidington has told MPs a "police officer has been stabbed" and the "alleged assailant was shot by armed police" following a "serious" incident within the parliamentary estate.

Minutes later, an emergency services helicopter landed in Parliament Square, as sirens were heard outside.

Air ambulance medics came from the helicopter to assist the casualties.


A woman was confirmed dead after a car ploughed into corwds on Westminster Bridge causing multiple casualties (Reuters.

Two people lay on the ground in the yard. One of them appeared to have had clothes removed as emergency workers attempted to resuscitate the pair.

Parliament Square was closed to traffic.



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