Little girl mistakes prom-bound teen for a princess

RALEIGH, N.C. — A North Carolina teen who was taking pictures before prom received quite the surprise when an adorable little girl mistook her for a real-life princess.

Kwani Taylor, 17, was taking photos with her prom date when the 4-year-old stopped in her tracks.

“She saw Kwani and said, ‘There’s a princess over there,'” the girl’s mother told WCNC. “We didn’t want to interrupt so we waited until a good moment and she just ran up and was enamored.”

When she noticed what was happening, Kwani quickly bent down to give the girl a hug.

“My daughter just bent down and went right into character,” said Kwani’s mother Tee Taylor. “She won best actress at her school, she’s into drama, it just makes sense for her to step into that role.”

Tee later posted a video of the beautiful moment on Facebook.

The heartwarming video has more than 5 million views, 71,000 shares, and 10,000 likes.


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