Liberals Choosing Globalization over National Security

The negative reaction to President Donald Trump’s executive decision to place a temporary ban on accepting refugees and immigrants is a sign of how close America and the world is to total globalization and a one-world government.

To begin with, Trump never said this was a permanent ban. The majority of the bans are temporary – 90 days, while Immigration and Customs along with our intelligence agencies can implement a better vetting process to use to screen refugees and immigrants.

I heard some critics say that we already have a workable vetting system in place, but that vetting system has proven to be insufficient. I point to Tashfeen Malik as a prime example of Obama’s failed vetting system. Malik passed through the lax vetting system used under Obama and she went on to join her husband in carrying out a terrorist attack in San Bernardino. Malik and her husband, Syed Farook, both of whom turned out to be ISIS supporters, shot and killed 14 people at a holiday party in San Bernardino.

Investigators say they are surprised to learn that Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik are not just Islamic extremists, but they have been so for a number of years. In fact, Malik was an active member of a Pakistani terrorist group long before she was thoroughly vetted by US officials and allowed into the US.

Philip Haney, known as a DHS whistleblower, blames the Obama administration for deliberately restricting the vetting of Islamists like Malik. In a special report published by The Hill, Haney wrote:

“There are terrorists in our midst and they arrived here using legal means right under the noses of the federal law enforcement agencies whose mission is to stop them. That is not due to malfeasance or lack of effort on the part of these officers; it is due to the restrictions placed on them by the Obama administration.

I was a firsthand witness to how these policies deliberately prevented scrutiny of Islamist groups. The two San Bernardino jihadists, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, may have benefited from the administration’s closure of an investigation I initiated on numerous groups infiltrating radicalized individuals into this country.

While working for the Department of Homeland Security for 13 years, I identified individuals affiliated with large, but less well-known groups such as Tablighi Jamaat and the larger Deobandi movement freely transiting the United States. At the National Targeting Center, one of the premier organizations formed to ‘connect the dots,’ I played a major role in an investigation into this trans-national Islamist network. We created records of individuals, mosques, Islamic Centers and schools across the United States that were involved in this radicalization effort. The Dar Al Uloom Al Islamiyah Mosque in San Bernardino was affiliated with this network and we had identified a member of it in our investigation. Farook frequented that mosque and was well-known to the congregation and mosque leadership.

Another focus of my investigation was the Pakistani women’s Islamist group al-Huda, which counted Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, as a student. While the al-Huda International Welfare Foundation distanced themselves from the actions of their former pupil, Malik’s classmates told the Daily Mail she changed significantly while studying at al-Huda, gradually becoming ‘more serious and strict.’ More ominously, the group’s presence in the U.S. and Canada is not without its other ties to ISIS and terrorism. In 2014, three recent former students at al-Huda’s affiliate school in Canada, aged 15 to 18, left their homes to join the Islamic State in Syria.”

All President Trump is trying to do is to take steps to prevent more Tashfeen Maliks from entering the United States and carrying out their murderous plans on unsuspecting Americans.

Many of the arguments I’ve heard so far from protesters against Trump’s actions is claiming that we are all immigrants and that we are all people of the world and American should welcome all refugees and immigrants.

These statements are the direct result of over a generation of publicly educated or should I say brainwashed, Americans. Many public schools teach globalization instead of American pride and patriotism. They brainwash young people to believe they belong more to the world than they do to America. Their loyalty is to the world, not America. They are taught that America is one of the greatest enemies of the world.

This brainwashing is evident when so many are more concerned about people from other countries than they are about the people of America.

Barack Obama refused to allow the enforcement of immigration laws, allowing millions of illegal aliens enter our country. His lax system has also allowed countless dangerous terrorists into the country who are just waiting to murder and maim American citizens.

But that’s not the concern of millions of brainwashed and misguided liberals. They care nothing about national security or protecting America. When it comes down to national security v. globalization, in the eyes of millions of liberals, they chose globalization. Now consider that they are tomorrows leaders. Frightening, isn’t it?

The post Liberals Choosing Globalization over National Security appeared first on The Constitution.


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