King Mohammed VI of Morocco has been a frequent visitor to Amsterdam’s gay bars

According to the Dutch-based broadcaster, NOS, the flamboyant Moroccan king Mohammed VI paid an unexpected visit to Amsterdam on Sunday, 2nd of July.

The Dutch authorities were completely unaware of the monarch’s 4-hour surprise visit to Pay-Bas and only when the salivating paparazzi uncovered the royal entourage’s secret stop to the oldest gay nightclub in downtown Amsterdam did the government try to find out what were Arab King’s plans.
Mark van der Linden, a chief-editor at Royalty Magazine and NOS’ senior correspondent told AFP that King Muhammad VI of Morocco who inherited his family title of “Amir al-Mu’minin” —which literally means the commander of faithful–, has visited during his stay the historic landmarks of Amsterdam such as Herengracht Canal, the Leidseplein and also Spijker Bar, a top gay nightclub. Mr. Lindem added that the Moroccan king has been a frequent visitor to this very nightclub.
Apparently, Mark Rutte, the Dutch Premier, has attempted to meet the 53-year-old King but he was later informed of his sudden departure to Monaco. There has been a lot of controversy among internet users regarding King Mohammed’s lurid outfits.


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