Johnny Isakson: Saudi Arabia and the UAE should not be used in Yemen peace project

According to the Medium correspondent, Sharif Abdel Kouddous, US senator Johnny Isakson presented Yemen Peace Project at the Senate hearing in July, 11.

According to the correspondent siting US senator Jerry Moran’s Twitter page, who was present at the meeting, Johnny Isakson has proposed that Oman troops shall be deployed as a third party and a UN mediator to al-Hadida.

Isakson asserted that “we should not use any military capacity of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates or Egypt in the project.” He believes that Saudi Arabia can not end and win the crisis in Yemen.

He pointed out issuing the resolution by the United Nations is the only way to stop the crisis and war in this country and to achieve a political solution.

Riyadh as the main sponsor of Abed Rabbo has failed to establish a comprehensive government in Yemen. Riyadh and Abed Rabbo have to make serious adjustments in their expectations. It’s not logical that Riyadh expects the United Nations and other countries to provide its benefits.

It is worth mentioning that the war between Yemen and Saudi Arabia has reached its 3rd birthday for about 4 months. According to the United Nations, 8,000 people have been killed and nearly 42,000 people have been injured, so far. The life situation for Yemeni women and children become very difficult. It is notable that Saudi-led air strikes were responsible for 60% of civilian deaths.


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