‘I’ve spiraled into depression’ because of Trump’s election, says actor James Franco

Actor James Franco went all out to support former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, and her loss is taking its toll on his mental state.

Franco talked about how badly he took President Trump’s electoral victory with the Daily Beast. 

“I mean, I’ve been reacting really badly! I’ve spiraled into a depression and I’ve been questioning everything that I am, and how I’ve been doing things,” he explained. “It’s been a rough few months.”

The actor had posted an Instagram video in support of the Democratic candidate in October of last year:

The video parodied the popular “most interesting man in the world” commercials, and garnered nearly one million views.

Franco had previously found himself in a different political controversy when his movie “The Interview” was targeted by hackers allegedly from North Korea because it included the assassination of dictator Kim Jong-un in a graphic death scene.


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