Islam Leader Farrakhan Blasts Jews, Promises Allah Will Rule

On the final day of the annual conference for The Nation of Islam in Detroit this past weekend, their leader, Louis Farrakhan took the stage Sunday, with thousands in attendance chanting, “Allahu Akbar.”

During his three-hour speech, Farrakhan told his Muslim followers, “Have no fear, the future is ours. Time for the liberation of our people.”

The Detroit Free Press reported that Farrakhan said, “God wants you to separate, and give you a nation of your own.”

He accused both the Democrat and the Republican parties of neglecting the black community, and said African Americans shouldn’t worry about who’s in power.

Detroit Free Press quoted Farrakhan as saying:

“I’m here to talk to all of you who are shaking in your boots” over Trump being president, Farrakhan said. Imitating a person who’s worried about Trump, Farrakhan said: “What are we going to do, the president is bad. He’s the president and he don’t like black people. He don’t like Mexicans. He don’t like Muslims.”

Farrakhan then said: “Maybe so. Who cares? We don’t give a damn what he likes or what he doesn’t like.

“Have no fear … the future is ours. Time for the liberation of our people.”

He reportedly denounced the Jews, and told his followers, “I want to disabuse the Jews today of the false claim that you are the chosen of God – that Israel or Palestine belongs to you.  I want to disabuse you of that. I’m going to tell you about your future. You that think you have power to frighten and dominate the peoples of the world. I’m here to announce the end of your time!”

“But I am here to announce today the end of his world and the beginning of a brand new reality that all human beings will enjoy peace, freedom justice and equality under the rule of Allah,” Farrakhan reportedly proclaimed.

H/T: Detroit Free Press

People arriving to hear Min. Louis Farrakhan speak in Detroit on the final day of the Nation of Islam convention in Detroit. #SD17DET

After Farrakhan’s condemnation of Jews, on Monday, at least 10 Jewish Community Centers across the U.S. received bomb threats, and in Missouri, a Jewish cemetery was vandalized.


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