Homeless man who aided Manchester Arena attack victims hailed as hero

MANCHESTER, England – Stephen Jones, a homeless man who was outside the Manchester Arena when Monday’s deadly attack took place, is being hailed as a hero after he helped the wounded as they fled the scene.

Stephen Jones, pictured, helped the wounded as they fled the Manchester Arena bombing on May 22, 2017. (Credit: ITN)

“First there was a bang, I thought it was some kind of firework, and then there was a big explosion,” he told CNN affiliate ITN.

“I just felt the wind force, and then everyone started screaming and running. Me and my mate we got up and we started running. We realized what had happened, we run back, and all the women and children were coming out with blood.”

Police have not given details of the device used by the attacker, who died in the blast along with 22 of his victims, but Jones said he saw injuries he believed were caused by nails.

Instinct to help people

“We are human, we still have a heart, we still have that instinct to help people out that need help and that’s what we are doing. And obviously when we are seeing children like that, with blood and, pulling nails out of their arms and stuff, and there were a couple in a girl’s face,” he said.

“It was children, a lot of children with blood all over them, crying and screaming. If I didn’t help, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself for walking away and leaving kids like that.”

“We wiped blood from children’s faces. I mean, one little girl, she was covered in blood. Her mom was screaming so some guy was coming at her, took the little girl’s t-shirt off her, and it was someone else’s blood shed on her.”

Jones described how he and a friend held the legs up of a woman who was severely bleeding while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. “We thought she was just going to bleed right out.”

Crowdfunders rush to help

His selflessness has not been lost on social media where one woman set up an account on the charity fundraising site Just Giving, which quickly doubled the target of $650.

Jones’ account and actions will raise the spotlight on Manchester’s growing homeless problem. The newly elected mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham, has pledged to donate 15 per cent of his salary to a homeless charity.

Jones said a lot of homeless people sleep right by the Manchester Arena where the attack happened.


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