Graham Tells Trump “Zero Illegals” Voted In Election…Receives Bombshell From New Press Sec

Lindsey Graham Got Blown Out

In the days leading up to and after the election, there was a lot of talk about illegal immigrants voting in the election. Considering that the right to vote is one of the greatest rights someone in this country can have, it’s a slap in the face to see non-citizens voting.

Naturally, the Democrats didn’t have an issue with this. They kept claiming that it wasn’t real and illegals aren’t actually voting. The reason that they said that was because all the illegals were voting for them. So of course they were going to try and downplay it.

However in the end, Donald Trump ended up winning the presidential election, because the election is based off of the Electoral College rather than the popular vote. Trump did say that millions of illegal votes cost him the popular vote. It was those statements that have notable anti-Trump Senator Lindsey Graham demanding that Trump stop it.

“To continue to suggest that the 2016 election was conducted in a fashion that millions of people voted illegally undermines faith in our democracy. It’s not coming from a candidate for the office, it’s coming from the man who holds the office. So I am begging the president, share with us the information you have about this or please stop saying it.”

Graham Has Perfected the Art of Perpetual Fundraising

Graham Once Again Criticizes Trump

Graham, along with Senator John McCain, have been completely anti-Trump since the Republican primaries. So it’s not shocking that Graham would be making these statements. However he continued to open his mouth.

“As a matter of fact I’d like you to do more than stop saying it. I’d like you to come forward and saying having looked at it I am confident the election was fair and accurate and people voted legally. Cause if he doesn’t do that, this is going to undermine his ability to govern this country.”

That was when Trump’s new press secretary shut him down. Sean Spicer said Tuesday afternoon that Trump has “believed for a long, long time” that illegal immigrants voted in the presidential election. When he was asked if Trump was planning to launch an investigation, Spicer said, “We’re here on day two. Let’s not prejudge what we may or may not do in the future.”

Naturally, Democrats are outraged at this claim. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, a Democrat (shocking!) said, “By repeating false and unsubstantiated voter fraud allegations as the cause for losing the popular vote, President Trump is dangerously attacking the legitimacy of free and fair elections and the foundation of our democracy.”

Padilla added, “They are corrosive lies without any evidence. Even leaders in the President’s own party agree there is no evidence to support his claims since they were irresponsibly made back in November.”

Oh but it’s responsible that former President Barack Obama actually encouraged illegal immigrants to vote? He literally did that in the days leading up to the election! Oh, but go ahead and tell me that voter fraud doesn’t exist, even though there are people that say it does.


Obama Actually Encouraged Illegal Immigrants To Vote Though

One of those people is Steve King, a Republican Representative out of Iowa and a Trump supporter. He insisted that “there is data out there” to back up the claim, but said the figure was closer to 2.4 million. He came up with the figure by doing “an extrapolation calculation on how many illegals could have or could be voting in the United States.”

“So it’s plausible the number, three million sounds like it’s a plausible number to me.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) agreed, saying, “The notion that election fraud is a fiction is not true.”

“It does occur. There are arguments on both sides about how much, how frequent, and all the rest.” Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, also said that Trump might have a case.

He used a 2014 analysis by professors at Old Dominion University. It was widely criticized by other scholars, such as the Cooperative Congressional Election Study at Harvard, which supplied some of the data.

In other words, Graham should learn to shut his mouth, because there are several notable people that have admitted that voter fraud has occurred. It’s especially concerning when the president of the United States actively encourages illegals to vote.

Of course Graham wasn’t the only one to say that election fraud wasn’t occurring. In one of his last interviews as a president, said that any news of voter fraud is “fake” news. Of course he would say that, because there would be no way that Obama would admit that illegals were voting in the election.

Obama making a point

Obama Has Also Said That Voter Fraud Is Fake News

Not to mention that another group did an analysis of the election and determined that there were three million illegal votes cast and they were for Hillary Clinton. That would also be in the range that Trump said he lost the popular vote by. We’re supposed to believe that voter fraud doesn’t exist though.

Share this article to show that Graham once again opened his mouth to criticize Trump on his claims of election fraud. However Trump’s press secretary, and a host of other notable Republicans once again shot him down. Once Graham learns to stop opening his mouth, we can actually get some progress done in this country. Wouldn’t you agree?

The post Graham Tells Trump “Zero Illegals” Voted In Election…Receives Bombshell From New Press Sec appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.


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