FLASHBACK: Joe Biden And Democrats Tried To Block Thousands Of Vietnam War Refugees, Including Orphans

Democrats Tried To Block Refugees From Vietnam From Entering The U.S.

Over the last few days Democrats have been busy displaying there disgust with President Trump. They’ve attacked Trump supporters, rioted at airports, gone on strike in protest, and have called for President Trump’s assassination.

A brief history lesson will show that the Democrats blocked Vietnamese refugees, including orphans, when millions were trying to escape South Vietnam as it fell to the communists from the north. South Vietnam was our ally and we had little to nothing to fear from this group of people. The south Vietnamese weren’t beheading people, blowing themselves up, throwing homosexuals off buildings, and drowning people in steel cages.

As The Daily Caller reports, it was actually the Republicans who were leading the charge to help out the refugees.

From The Daily Caller:

They even opposed orphans.

The group, led by California’s Gov. Jerry Brown, included such liberal luminaries as Delaware’s Democratic Sen. Joe Biden, former presidential “peace candidate” George McGovern, and New York Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman.

The Los Angeles Times reported Brown even attempted to prevent planes carrying Vietnamese refugees from landing at Travis Air Force Base outside San Francisco. About 500 people were arriving each day and eventually 131,000 arrived in the United States between 1975 and 1977.

These people arrived despite protests from liberal Democrats. In 2015, the Los Angeles Times recounted Brown’s ugly attitude, reporting, “Brown has his own checkered history of demagoguery about refugees.”

On Sunday The Gateway Pundit published an article which highlighted how liberal Democrats put Japanese-American citizens in interment camps after just one attack.

The post FLASHBACK: Joe Biden And Democrats Tried To Block Thousands Of Vietnam War Refugees, Including Orphans appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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