Donald Trump Reads ‘Irish Proverb’ Ahead Of St. Patrick’s Day But Social Media Cites Mistake

President Donald Trump is meeting with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny ahead of St. Patrick’s Day. The president decided to read his favorite Irish proverb; however, some on social media are claiming that it is neither Irish or a proverb. To steal a phrase from a Mike Myers character on Saturday Night Live, “discuss amongst yourselves.”

Here is video of Trump reading the alleged Irish proverb and claiming it is favorite.

Trump reads one of his favorite Irish proverbs

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 16, 2017

Now, someone on social media found where Trump was quoting. Those on social media claimed that the poem and not a proverb was written by a Nigerian. As of right now, this is the only evidence to suggest the mistake made by the Trump administration.

OK I’ve found trump’s ‘irish’ proverb.

— cólz (@colz) March 16, 2017

And, then people on social media were discussing Trump’s alleged error.

Have literally never heard this in my entire life.

— Christine Bohan (@ChristineBohan) March 16, 2017

One of his staff is definitely trolling him now, and it’s brilliant
Trump: ‘quick, find me an Irish proverb!’
Staffer: ‘Sure Mr President..

— Vanessa Furey (@VanessaFurey) March 16, 2017

With all due respect to the president’s reputation for scrupulously checking his sources, I don’t think this is an Irish proverb.

— The Irish For ???????? (@theirishfor) March 16, 2017

This lad is due some royalty payments

— cólz (@colz) March 16, 2017

Trump’s Irish poet, Albashir Adam Alhassan, is Nigerian. Also, a proverb is not a poem. #ArtFunding #IrishProverb #IrishLiterature

— amy (@aharbo) March 16, 2017

Trump’s favorite Irish proverb that he struggled to read aloud was written by Albashir Adam Alhassan, a Nigerian.

— Fuzzy Dunlop (@BillsNewAccount) March 16, 2017

So Irish PM visits White House, and Trump reads out favourite proverb – which turns out to be from a poem by a Nigerian Muslim.#gubu

— Philip O’Connor (@philipoconnor) March 16, 2017

Even Trump’s favorite “Irish proverb” is fake news, not Irish.

— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) March 16, 2017

Trump said that the bond between Ireland and the US during his presidency is “going to be closer than ever before.”

“The people of Ireland and the people of the United States have stuck together through good times and bad times,” he said. “Over many centuries we have built a bond that thrives, inspires and endures. And with us, it’s going to be closer than ever before, I can tell you that.”

Kenny sought to impress upon Trump the challenges that Ireland will face as a result of Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. Trump supported the British vote to leave the 28-country bloc, saying earlier this year that leaving would “end up being a great thing.”

The St. Patrick’s Day White House event dates back to the 1950s and has become an important standing engagement for Ireland, which has strong emotional and ancestral ties to the United States.

What do you think about Trump’s favorite Irish proverb? Have you seen evidence to support the current claim on social media about it? Let us know in the comments section.

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