Charlie Sheen Calls on God to Kill Trump

After information broke of the dying of Debbie Reynolds following a yr of high-profile superstar deaths, actor Charlie Sheen took to Twitter to name for the dying of the President-elect of the USA of America.


Sheen’s tweet—which read “Dear God” followed by “Trump next, please!” six times and then two emojis showing a middle finger and then a copyright symbol—was Liked on Twitter by over 6,000 people within the first two hours of being posted.

Actor Charlie Sheen, born Carlos Irwin Estévez, was featured in 1980s films like Young Guns and the Oliver Stone-directed Platoon and Wall Street. Sheen then went onto to star in the sitcom Two and a Half Men before having a famous public meltdown after several trips to rehab for substance issues that got him booted from the successful show. A series of Twitter rants and bizarre media appearances culminated in a tour called Charlie Sheen LIVE: My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option.

Last year, Mr. Sheen took to Twitter and, according to the New York Daily News, went on a rant about his ex-wife, actress Denise Richards, calling her a “lab rat,” a “terrorist,” and “the worst mom alive.” As the Daily Mail reported in 2014, “Charlie Sheen has kicked Denise Richards and their daughters Sam, 10 and Lola, eight, out of their home.”

In 2015, Mr. Sheen announced he was HIV-positive. The announcement came just before it was revealed that he’d had a number of sex partners without revealing his HIV-postive status. Sheen told CNN:

“I’m here to admit that I am in fact HIV-positive,” Sheen told NBC’s Matt Lauer. “And I have to put a stop to this onslaught, this barrage of attacks and of sub-truths and very harmful and mercurial stories that are about the [alleged] threatening the health of so many others, which couldn’t be farther from the truth.”

Charlie Sheen’s father and award-winning actor Martin Sheen—born Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estevez—has been a harsh critic of Donald Trump as well. The elder Sheen recently starred in a video that was a failed attempt to sway the Electoral College to vote against Mr. Trump after he won the election.

As Breitbart News reported before the election in August, Martin Sheen said that Trump had “no chance” of winning the general election: “He has no chance. None. I promise you. The fight hasn’t begun yet. I promise you.”

Sheen went to on to say that Trump is an empty-headed moron; that he has absolutely nothing to offer us; that he’s done his bidding and he has to be responsible for the damage he’s already done.

Another recent Tweet of Sheen’s was a link to what Vanity Fair magazine called “Oscar-winning screenwriter of The Social Network and mastermind behind The West Wing” Arron Sorkin’s reaction to Donald Trump being elected. Mr. Sheen refered to the reaction as “impossibly brilliant.” Martin Sheen starred in Sorkin’s The West Wing as the President of the United States.

Sorkin’s letter was as much an attack on Trump supporters and voters as it was on Trump, reading in part:

And it wasn’t just Donald Trump who won last night—it was his supporters too. The Klan won last night. White nationalists. Sexists, racists and buffoons. Angry young white men who think rap music and Cinco de Mayo are a threat to their way of life (or are the reason for their way of life) have been given cause to celebrate. Men who have no right to call themselves that and who think that women who aspire to more than looking hot are shrill, ugly, and otherwise worthy of our scorn rather than our admiration struck a blow for misogynistic shitheads everywhere.

Sheen has recently used his Twitter account to promote “a Crackle Original Movie” called Mad Families in which he stars:

Charle Sheen popularized the phrase “Winning” during his online Two and a Half Men meltdown.


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