Category: World

Man Arrested For Walking His Dog After It Offended Muslim Gathering, Charged After Islamic Beatdown

A Man Simply Walking His Dog Was Arrested By Police Because He Was “Insensitive” To Muslims. Dogs have a special nickname for a majority of the world. They are considered “man’s best friend,” especially if they are trained properly. However, Muslims don’t agree with that statement at all. They don’t like dogs, and consider them to be “unclean” animals. Unfortunately,

Devout “DERADICALIZATION” Imam hailed by NY Times ARRESTED for ISIS jihad terror

Imam Abu Adam Hesham Shashaa, a heralded imam of peace, beloved by the New York Times (much the way they too fawned over Anwar Awlaki until the truth about him was revealed), was arrested for secretly working and fighting for the Islamic State. The Palestinian Imam Hesham Shashaa had been regarded as a kind of “secret weapon” for certain radicalization

Student refuses to remove cap unless Muslim women remove their headscarves

A STUDENT asked not to wear her cap in Bromley College says she won’t agree unless Muslim women remove their headdresses as well. Caroline Powell, of Sevenoaks Way, Orpington, is attending Greenwich University, which uses facilities in Bromley College, Rookery Lane. While inside the Bromley College buildings, the 39-year-old has been told repeatedly to remove her cap, but believes that,

The Spiritual Consequences of Alcohol Consumption

Although it is mass-produced, mass promoted, legal, and ingested by a multitude of people all over the world, most people don’t ever consider or understand the spiritual consequences of drinking alcohol. Let’s begin by taking a look at the etymology of the Word alcohol. Etymology means the root of the word… where it is derived from. The word “Alcohol” comes

Washington Tries to Hide Its “Failure” in Mosul

For the past months, Washington has faced the urgent need to distract the world’s attention from its devastating failure in Mosul in order to hide the huge number of casualties among the local population. Perhaps, this became one of the main reasons for carrying out a new full-scale campaign to topple and discredit Bashar Assad. However, every effort that is

MSNBC Contributor Calls for ISIS Bombing of Trump Property

The left further unmasked. For years I have said that the left is vicious, evil and at war against America. These calls for President Trump’s death are just the tip of the iceberg. How long before America is “woke”? We never called for Obama’s murder or the bombing of his home. Imagine if we had: the left would have had