Category: World

Trump Justice Department asks remaining 46 US attorneys hired by Obama to resign

Bravo. We need to see much, much more of this, at every level of government. The President was elected promising to drain the swamp. Now drain it. “Justice Department asks remaining 46 US attorneys hired by Obama asked [sic] to resign,” Reuters, March 10, 2017: WASHINGTON, March 10 (Reuters) – U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked the remaining 46

Nancy Pelosi Caught Lying About Meeting With Russian Ambassador

After it was revealed that former senator and now Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two meetings with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak before President Donald Trump’s election, the Democrat crisis machine went into the fray full-bore to discredit the attorney general. And at the front of charge, of course, was none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. “The fact that the attorney general,

Nonie Darwish: Wholly Different — Why I Chose Biblical Values Over Islamic Values

Many in the West assume that the Islamic threat is only in the form of terrorism, and if only ISIS is destroyed, then the real peaceful Islam will emerge ready to coexist in harmony with Western and Biblical values. That is false. The West is building its entire policy regarding Islam on a false premise. And that is why I

An ‘ominous sign of the times’? Statue of Liberty mysteriously goes dark overnight

For more than an hour Tuesday night, a cloak of darkness covered Lady Liberty. Some of the lights that normally illuminate the statue went off before 11 p.m., leaving only her still-lit torch and crown visible to most in New York Harbor. As one Twitter post opined, the timing was “just too perfect.” Definitely, tweeted another, “an ominous sign of

ISIL gunmen in white lab coats slaughter at least 30 in ‘heinous’ attack on Kabul military hospital

KABUL — Gunmen wearing white lab coats stormed a military hospital in Afghanistan’s capital on Wednesday, killing at least 30 people and wounding dozens in an attack claimed by the Islamic State group. The attack on the 400-bed military facility, located near two civilian hospitals in Kabul’s heavily guarded diplomatic quarter, set off clashes with security forces that lasted several

Sean Spicer refused to deny Trump’s wiretap claims. Then an aide slipped him a note during a press briefing

White House officials declared on Wednesday that President Donald Trump was not the target of an investigation, five days after Trump himself raised the prospect with an unsubstantiated claim that his predecessor ordered the wiretapping of Trump Tower. After first refusing to disavow Trump’s allegations, made in a series of Twitter posts, and instead calling for Congress to investigate them,

Not Just Trump: List of Other Obama Bugging Victims #Obamagate

Fire Comey. Get someone to head up the FBI who actually enforces rule of law. Rudy Giuliani? Purge the Obama appointees. And prosecute the lawbreakers. Obama was surveilling Trump in the run up to the election. This is America, not some tin-pot dictatorship (despite Obama’s best efforts). Trump was bugged. Jeff Sessions, too. And more — (thanks to Jim Hoft):

Not Just Trump: List of Other Obama Bugging Victims #Obamagate

Fire Comey. Get someone to head up the FBI who actually enforces rule of law. Rudy Giuliani? Purge the Obama appointees. And prosecute the lawbreakers. Obama was surveilling Trump in the run up to the election. This is America, not some tin-pot dictatorship (despite Obama’s best efforts). Trump was bugged. Jeff Sessions, too. And more — (thanks to Jim Hoft):

Sweden: Muslim classmates gang rape 14-year-old girl in school, remain enrolled because “rapists are victims too,” says principal

Any civilization that sacrifices its young girls to an invading army has no future at all. Sweden is a stunning indictment of liberal polices of multiculturalism, political correctness and “tolerance” (of evil) in action. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. “All three youths involved were our students here and all three are, in a way, victims in