Category: World

Pope Francis: You cannot reject refugees and call yourself a Christian

Pope Francis condemned the hypocrisy from Christians who are merciless to refugees and people of other faiths, addressing a gathering of a pilgrimage of Catholics and Lutherans from Germany, reports Catholic News Service. Francis rebuked “the contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West, and, on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions.” “This is not

UK: Sharia court hands down sentence approving of honor killing

Meanwhile, in the U.S., Hamas-CAIR works energetically to block all measures outlawing sharia. If they continue, this will be America’s future. President Trump needs to revive the investigation and prosecution of Hamas-CAIR that Obama scuttled. “A sinister British Sharia court and one girl’s tireless hunt for her father’s killer: How a brutal murder in Pakistan uncovered revenge killings in Lancashire,”

Trump to DEFUND UN Groups Who Give Full Membership to Palestinian Authority

Under President Trump, every day is Christmas. Obama buried Israel at the UN. President Trump is resurrecting her. BREAKING NYT REPORT: Trump Admin Prepares Exec Order to End Funding for UN Agencies Giving Full Membership to PA, PLO The Trump administration is preparing two executive orders that are likely to cause an earthquake in the Middle East. By: Hana Levi

Enrique Peña Nieto Vows to Protect Illegals Living in U.S. From Trump

FROM Mexico’s president Enrique Peña Nieto sent out a message to so-called migrants from his country who are now living in America – code for illegals – that said this: We’ll shelter you from President Donald Trump’s deportation storm. Cupcake, meet White House gun. It’s almost laughable. Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto. Now how would that work, exactly? Peña

Russia and US warplanes strike Syria in first ever JOINT attack

RUSSIA warplanes have joined US forces for their first ever combat mission in Syria – just two days after Donald Trump became President. The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the coordinated attacks, which also reportedly involved Turkish forces. A total of three Russian attack aircraft – consisting of two Su-24Ms and a Su-34 bomber – joined two Turkish F-16s and two F-4s

Anti-Trump Left-Wing Rioters Set Fire to Limo Belonging to …….. Muslim Immigrant

Now that’s rich. A limo torched in DC protests belongs to Muslim immigrant. Damage is upwards of $100,000. Terror-tied Islamic groups like CAIR are deafeningly silent. Because the riots are red/green (leftist/Islamic). Limo Torched in Anti-Trump Protests in DC Belongs to Muslim Immigrant Sputnik News, January 25, 2017: A Muslim immigrant who owned the limousine burned by anarchists during Donald

Thousands of Terrorists, Foreign Fighters Tried to Enter America, New Data Shows Officials uncertain how effective U.S. screening methods are

And we know how easy it was for these savages. This was proven when AFDI reporter Laura Loomer went undercover at a US immigration office and showed fake passports were acceptable to immigration officials. Trumps ban on jihad immigration is critical. Thousands of Terrorists, Foreign Fighters Tried to Enter America, New Data Shows Officials uncertain how effective U.S. screening methods

Trump HALTS Obama’s $221,000,000 parting gift to the “Palestinians”

Thank you, President Trump. The Obama rush of $221,000,000 to jihad terror organization will fund Jew-killing. Obama’s parting gift to the Jews. To the very last minute, Obama was aiding, abetting and arming Islamic enemies of freedom. He released $221 million to the Palestinians in his administration’s last hours. Officials say outgoing administration defied GOP opposition and sent funds to