Category: World

Canadian PM promises to take all Muslim migrants banned by Trump, giving them free housing and money at the expense of Canadian taxpayers

TORONTO –€” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will take you. He also intends to talk to Trump about the success of Canada’s refugee policy. Trudeau reacted to Trump’s ban of Muslims from certain countries by tweeting Saturday: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you,

Julie Bishop: Australia will support Donald Trump on strong border protection policies

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says the Turnbull government will support Donald Trump’s “strong immigration and border protection policies”, as the leaders of Britain and Germany criticise an executive order banning entry to the United States for refugees and citizens from a range of majority Muslim countries. Speaking in Los Angeles after events promoting Australian business and tourism, Ms Bishop said the Turnbull government was working closely

Mexico Vows $50 Million Legal Fund to Fight U.S. Deportations

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s top diplomat said Monday his country will spend about $50 million to hire lawyers for migrants in the United States facing deportation. The money will be channeled through Mexican consulates in the U.S. and also go to outreach programs “to promote respect for Mexicans’ rights.” Foreign Relations Secretary Luis Videgaray said the effort “isn’t about

Pope Francis: You cannot reject refugees and call yourself a Christian

Pope Francis condemned the hypocrisy from Christians who are merciless to refugees and people of other faiths, addressing a gathering of a pilgrimage of Catholics and Lutherans from Germany, reports Catholic News Service. Francis rebuked “the contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West, and, on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions.” “This is not

Daily Beast FAKE NEWS: Names “White Supremacists” in Quebec Mosque Shooting

Whatever credibility the now notorious “mainstream media” might have had left is gone. RIP Daily Beast. The Quebec mosque shooters have been identified as Moroccan Muslim Mohamed Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette (most probably a convert). The shooters in the Quebec mosque attack are Muslim, as is generally the case in these circumstances. The jihadis were shouting “Allahu akbar” as they

Hundreds of haters protest at U.S. Consulate in Toronto: US closes consulate

It’s not a “Muslim ban.” That would mean all Muslims were banned from entering the US. This is a counter terrorist measure.Why didn’t these clowns protest Obama’s ban on Iraqi refugees or Carter’s ban on Iranians? They are beyond transparent. This best embodies the left, it’s their way or anarchy. Hundreds of Trump protesters gather at U.S. Consulate The Star,

Quebec cops now say Alexandre Bissonnette sole suspect in “Allahu akbar” shooting at mosque

More questions than answers. “Quebec cops now say Alexandre Bissonnette sole suspect in ‘Allahu akbar’ shooting at mosque,” by Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, January 30, 2017: “Witnesses said at least one gunman shouted ‘Allahu akbar!’ while opening fire at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre Sunday night, killing six men.” “A possible motive was unclear. Police said they did not believe