Category: News

Canadian PM promises to take all Muslim migrants banned by Trump, giving them free housing and money at the expense of Canadian taxpayers

TORONTO –€” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will take you. He also intends to talk to Trump about the success of Canada’s refugee policy. Trudeau reacted to Trump’s ban of Muslims from certain countries by tweeting Saturday: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you,

GAME ON: Trump Deputizes Local Police Officers As Federal Agents To Find, Arrest, Deport Illegal Aliens

To build his highly touted deportation force, President Donald Trump is reviving a long-standing program that deputizes local officers to enforce federal immigration law, Pat Dollard reports. The program received scant attention during a week in which Trump announced plans to build a border wall, hire thousands more federal agents and impose restrictions on refugees from Middle Eastern countries. But

Donald Trump’s Rumored LGBT Executive Order: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Donald Trump holds an LGBT rainbow flag at an October rally in Colorado. (Getty) There were rumors on January 30 that President Donald Trump is preparing to sign an executive order that would have an impact on the LGBTQ community. A White House spokesperson told NBC News that one is not in the works at this point. However, the rumors

Important Muslims Come Out in Support of Trump’s Immigration Order

I wonder if this will get the liberal wingnuts to shut their yappers and stop complaining about President Trump’s immigration orders? Probably not… On Monday’s episode of Fox & Friends co-founder of “The Muslim Reform Movement,” Asra Nomani, spoke out in defense of President Donald Trump and his recent executive order pressing pause on immigration from certain Muslim majority countries.

Planned Parenthood Lying to Protect Annual $500 Million Taxpayer Funding?

Planned Parenthood continues to defend their existence and receipt of over $500 million of taxpayer money every year. They claim that the majority of the services they provide women are have nothing to do with abortions and that abortions are only a small part of the women’s health services they provide. This rhetoric is repeated over and over by women’s

Sally Yates: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sally Yates speaks during a press conference to announce environmental and consumer relief in the Volkswagen litigation at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC on June 28, 2016. (Getty) Hours after instructing the Department of Justice not to defend President Donald Trump’s recent travel ban, Sally Yates has been fired from her position of acting attorney general of the

Disgraceful: Nancy Pelosi Claims Democrats are “Doing the Lord’s Work”

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) must have some very screwed up ideas of the kind of work that God wants done on our planet. Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe the Senate Minority leader had the audacity to claim that Democrats were “doing the Lord’s work” and Republicans were “dishonoring” God. This is the same Nancy Pelosi whose own church leadership says she

Liberals Choosing Globalization over National Security

The negative reaction to President Donald Trump’s executive decision to place a temporary ban on accepting refugees and immigrants is a sign of how close America and the world is to total globalization and a one-world government. To begin with, Trump never said this was a permanent ban. The majority of the bans are temporary – 90 days, while Immigration

Texas Legislator Receives Death-Threats Over Abolition Of Abortion Bill

It is almost scientifically impossible to argue that a child is a child from conception. In fact, the clump of cells argument is only used by the ignorant. Yet, we see people that would have us allow the murder of these children in the name of a right to choose. These people are so driven to have this remain the

Julie Bishop: Australia will support Donald Trump on strong border protection policies

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says the Turnbull government will support Donald Trump’s “strong immigration and border protection policies”, as the leaders of Britain and Germany criticise an executive order banning entry to the United States for refugees and citizens from a range of majority Muslim countries. Speaking in Los Angeles after events promoting Australian business and tourism, Ms Bishop said the Turnbull government was working closely