Category: News

20 Million Muslims March Against ISIS And The Mainstream Media Completely Ignores It

  In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens of millions of Shia Muslims made an incredibly heartening statement, by risking their lives to travel through war-stricken areas to openly defy ISIS. This massive event that would have undoubtedly helped to ease tensions in the West was almost entirely ignored by corporate media. Women,

PERVERT MUSLIM GETS WHAT HE DESERVES… The rapist loses the balls

Islam is the second religion in France with 5,088,352 believers, or 7.6% of the population, which places it after Christianity (60.4%). A man belonging to the Muslim community was brutally murdered by the grandmother of a 13-year- old girl as he attempted to rape this young innocent soul. The grandmother attacked him several times with a machete.   This bloody episode

Popular Liberal Author says “Trump Won,” it’s Time to Move On

Count liberal author and artist Bret Easton Ellis among the many Americans who just cannot understand what the anti-Trump protesters are hoping to accomplish. Ellis sat recently sat down with the Irish News and explained that while he opposed Trump and his policies, he finds the protests more annoying than the President. “I didn’t vote Trump, I’m just saying the

Proof Pelosi Lied about Obamacare [VIDEO]

I wish I could remember the name of the murder mystery novel I read many years ago, but I do recall an evil wife who slowly poisoned her husband. Every morning he would have a glass of orange juice with his coffee and eggs. One day, he complained that he was tired of the same old orange juice and demanded

Underground Conservatives: Democrats Encourage Violence Forcing Conservatives to Hide

The media, politicians, and Hollywood are encouraging violence because underground Conservatives are not as effective. This story about underground Conservatives in the Bay Area explains the long campaign to encourage violence against Trump supporters. It shows us what their goal has been all along. According to the local CBS affiliate: Some East Bay conservatives say they live a secret life.

VIDEO: Texas Cop Tells Illegal Immigrants His City DOESN’T Enforce Immigration Laws

Police Officer In Hot Water Over Remarks Fox News is reporting that a Texas Police Officer, Officer Daniel Segura, said his fellow officers “don’t care” about a person’s immigration status and they have the same rights as legal citizens living in Fort Worth. The video is in Spanish, although Fox News did provide the translation of the Officers statement. Below