Category: News

Google Might Be Sitting on a $70 Billion Rival to Uber and Tesla

Google’s self-driving car unit could be far more valuable than General Motors and Ford, Morgan Stanley analysts said Tuesday. Waymo, the self-driving unit of Google’s parent company Alphabet could be worth $70 billion, Morgan Stanley analysts led by Brian Nowak wrote in the note to clients. That valuation comes a week after Waymo struck a partnership with the second biggest

Assemblyman Dov Hikind on #CancelSarsour Protest: “The problem is the deafening silence.” “We won’t be silent”

Here is the embodiment of what every American should look for in a politician: Hikind is brave, honest and true to freedom. @lsarsour please call our show now 1-800-848-WABC(9222) and challenge what @HikindDov is saying-right now. — Bernie and Sid Show (@bernieandsid) May 23, 2017 Linda Sarsour and the Deafening Silence It’s said that politics makes strange bedfellows. Or as

Muslim tweeted PRIOR to slaughter which named #Manchester Arena, Islamic State groups warn murders WILL follow #ArianaGrande bombing

ISIS tweets make threats of further vehicle attacks on British streets. No surprise there — of more interest is a tweet prior to the Manchester slaughter which named the Manchester Arena. Clearly the attack was widely anticipated — it is not unreasonable to conclude that many must have known of it in advance. Lone wolf, my eye. There are no

House IT Aides Fear Suspects in Data Breach are Blackmailing Members

Five Capitol Hill technology aides say they’re confused why four former House IT workers who were banned over allegations of data theft have been left largely untouched. Where are the arrests? Imran Awan and three relatives were banned from the computer networks in the House of Representatives after authorities found they were involved with unauthorized access. Police banned Imran Awan

Youngest Victim of Muslim Bombing of Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester

The UK authorities began sacrificing their little girls well over a decade ago when they ignored the millions of victims of Muslim child sex gangs. Did they really think it would would end there? Twenty-two people, including an eight-year-old girl, have been killed and 59 injured in a suicide bombing at Manchester Arena, at the end of a concert by

Parents accused of starving toddler who died at 7 pounds: ‘There’s no law that I have to hold my daughter’

Newly released police interviews revealed that the mother of a 13-month old who starved to death claimed she didn’t know her daughter was the weight of a newborn when she died. The tapes, released by the State Attorney’s Office on Thursday, provided a glimpse into Kristen Meyer-Aleman and Alejandro Aleman’s mindsets months after the April 2016 death of their daughter

Google Bias On Full Display After Ailes’ Passing

For years, evidence has been mounting in the case against Google and their tangible, ridiculous liberal bias. The media, which is nearly wholly controlled by leftist interests, has jumped the shark in the age of Trump, pushing a wholly ridiculous narrative about the legitimacy of the new President and the election that put him into power. Fueled by wild conspiracies