Category: News

AG Sessions Ditches Obama Stance, Reforms Policies To Push Full Legal Prosecution Of Offenders

Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Pictured Above) Has Vowed To Reform The Former Administration’s Policies On Crime The election of President Donald Trump signified that the United States was ready to change. The people were ready to move away from the destructive policies of the past eight years. While the Democrats say that former President Barack Obama was a great leader,

Israel: Muslim MKs ENRAGED as Knesset Approves Bill Restricting Loudspeakers for Prayer

Jews debating allowing the noisome Islamic call to prayer, a call for Islamic Jew-hatred — and Muslim members of the Israeli parliament are enraged. Where in the Muslim world is there a debate over whether or not to allow Jewish prayer over loudspeakers? Where in the Muslim world are there Jewish members of Parliament? It’s absurd. “Israeli Arab anger as

Trump Justice Department asks remaining 46 US attorneys hired by Obama to resign

Bravo. We need to see much, much more of this, at every level of government. The President was elected promising to drain the swamp. Now drain it. “Justice Department asks remaining 46 US attorneys hired by Obama asked [sic] to resign,” Reuters, March 10, 2017: WASHINGTON, March 10 (Reuters) – U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked the remaining 46

Anti-bullying activist BULLIES first lady Melania Trump

Anti-bullying activists doing what they do — bullying. Perfect. Is there a better example of the hypocrisy of the left? Their intolerance, hatred and violence is promoted under the umbrella of “tolerance,” “pluralism” and “diversity.” Notoriously dogmatic, intolerant, and irrational, the left has become of parody of itself. First lady Melania Trump called ‘ugly on the inside’ by anti-bullying activist

John Coltrane and Eric Dolphy on a Spiritual Open Thread

Robert Spencer here with tonight’s Friday night music thread, John Coltrane’s “Spiritual,” the majestic twenty-minute version from the Village Vanguard, November 5, 1961, with Eric Dolphy on bass clarinet, McCoy Tyner on piano, Reggie Workman on bass, Elvin Jones on drums, and Garvin Bushell underneath it all, providing a drone on contrabassoon. These are difficult times — as Tom Paine

UPDATE: TGP Reporter Accosted in White House Press Room Then Second Reporter Stalks Him and Calls Him “Pussy”

Media in America — Thugs, Goons and Hacks The Gateway Pundit White House correspondent Lucian Wintrich was accosted, harassed and abused Friday in the White House Press room. On Friday Jon Decker from FOX News Radio accosted The Gateway Pundit’s Lucian Wintrich in the White House. Decker reportedly grabbed Lucian’s arm and pushed him. Then Decker started reportedly “screaming” and

Bill Clinton Calling Trump’s America To Return To “Decency & Trust” In Politics

Bill Clinton says we need to bring back “decency and personal trust” to politics. Former President Bill Clinton was the keynote speaker at an event at the Brookings Institute honoring Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated in 1995. In his first public appearance since his wife’s loss to Donald Trump last November, Clinton spoke on how he wants

Lee Stranahan: Multiple Witnesses Confirm TGP’s Lucian Wintrich Was Accosted in White House Press Room (VIDEO)

Washington D.C. – Breitbart Investigative reporter, Lee Stranahan was in the White House press room when Lucian Wintrich was accosted by Fox New Radio’s, Jon Decker. Stranahan spoke with multiple witnesses who confirmed that Lucian Wintrich was accosted. On Friday Jon Decker from FOX News Radio accosted The Gateway Pundit’s Lucian Wintrich.Then Decker started reportedly “screaming” and pointing that Lucian

Brampton, Ontario: Mayor Calls Criticism of Muslim Prayers in Public Schools “HATE SPEECH”

When are the Jewish prayers? The Christian prayers? The Hindu prayers? Of course, there aren’t any. Only Muslims get this kind of special accommodation. And any dissent will get you branded as a racist-islamophobic-anti-muslim-bigot. The bitter irony here is that in Islamic states, non-Muslims are never given this kind of accommodation. Linda Jeffrey may find that out before too long

Latina Enrolled In $48K University Demands Whites Pay Reparation Money To Fund Her Spring Break

Leandra Vargas believes she is owed money from her white peers The “something for nothing” mentality has sadly taken over much of our society. Illegal immigrants often have the idea that they deserve to come to America and be taken care of. Black advocates have frequently spoken of their belief that whites owe them reparations for former slaves. The list