Category: News

Suspect in House Democrat IT Scandal ALSO Had Access to Leaked DNC Emails

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported in February that three brothers who managed office IT for government officials were relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed specific computer networks without permission, also known as hacking. Brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives. One of the brothers has a criminal

Groups Helping Illegal Immigrants Took $291 MILLION From Taxpayers

Illegal immigration is a big business. Lots of people are making millions, and tens of millions, and hundreds of millions, from it. This is a swamp that desperately needs to be drained. “Nonprofits Helping Illegal Immigrants Took $291 Million From Taxpayers,” by Ethan Barton, Daily Caller, March 9, 2017: Taxpayers funded eight nonprofits that serve, protect or advocate for illegal

The Donald Vs. The ‘Deep State’

President Trump has credibly accused Obama of wire-tapping the Trump Tower phones during the 2016 campaign. Whether the tapping of Trump Tower phones can be traced to Obama; whether it’s true or false—consider the counter-accusations floated by President Donald Trump about Barack Obama as part of a strategy. The president is in survival mode. He’s backed into a corner and

Hah! 4Chan Users Find Shia LaBeouf’s Secret Protest Location and Replace His Flag with Trump Flag

Too funny!Far left actor Shia LaBeouf announced in January he was launching a 4 year long continuous anti-Trump livestream where his cult like followers chant “He will not divide us.” It didn’t take long for the unhinged actor to suffer a meltdown. LaBeouf was seen on camera the first weekend getting physical with smaller counter-protester. Shia Labeouf melts down and

“The Shack” — Biblical or New Age?

If you comment on the novel/movie, The Shack, you’re bound to get strong opinions, either pro or con. The Shack deals with Mack, a man who has suffered a horrible loss (the murder of his little daughter), which he discovered in a shack. In a (spoiler alert) dream sequence, he returns to that shack; and “God” in three persons meets

ACLU Lawyers File Ethics Charge Against AG Sessions, Accusing Him Of “Professional Misconduct”

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a complaint with the Alabama State Bar Disciplinary Committee accusing Attorney General Jeff Sessions of “professional misconduct.” The American Civil Liberties Union filed a complaint yesterday with the Alabama State Bar Disciplinary Commission against Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The complaint said that Sessions’ comments during his Senate confirmation hearings were in violation of the

Hamburg “youths” spray tear gas onto train – Children left with burning eyes and breathing problems

“Youths” is enemedia-speak for young Muslims. The jihad in Germany is rapidly advancing. German authorities, meanwhile, are doing all they can to run interference for the jihadis and make sure that nobody thinks any of this has anything to do with Islam. “Hamburg tear gas attack – Children left with burning eyes and breathing problems on train,” by Joey Millar,

The Trump Effect: Number of Americans in Labor Force Hits Record High

President Trump said he would bring back American jobs, and he is doing it. The left and the Never Trumpers keep trying to destroy him in his effort to make America great again, but meanwhile, he keeps on taking steps to make America great again. “160,056,000: Number of Americans in Labor Force Hits Record High,” by Ali Meyer, Washington Free

AG Sessions Ditches Obama Stance, Reforms Policies To Push Full Legal Prosecution Of Offenders

Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Pictured Above) Has Vowed To Reform The Former Administration’s Policies On Crime The election of President Donald Trump signified that the United States was ready to change. The people were ready to move away from the destructive policies of the past eight years. While the Democrats say that former President Barack Obama was a great leader,

Israel: Muslim MKs ENRAGED as Knesset Approves Bill Restricting Loudspeakers for Prayer

Jews debating allowing the noisome Islamic call to prayer, a call for Islamic Jew-hatred — and Muslim members of the Israeli parliament are enraged. Where in the Muslim world is there a debate over whether or not to allow Jewish prayer over loudspeakers? Where in the Muslim world are there Jewish members of Parliament? It’s absurd. “Israeli Arab anger as