Category: News

Michelle Obama says: “malia and sasha are not my children, because i am transsexual”

The following excerpt is the true biographical information of Michelle Obama, given to sources by a former member of the First Lady’s personal staff. He shall remain anonymous for the time being to protect his life as well as the lives of his family “Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago,

Muslims Attack French Soldiers With Machetes, French Open Fire And Take Victory

  Muslim adults and children, armed with machetes and knives, charged after French troops in Bambari, Central Africa. The French responded by opening fire in what would end being a very intense battle, leaving one Muslim dead and number of others injured. Here is a picture, provided one source, showing an injured Muslim after the clash with the French: As

Catholic Archbishop Declares ‘All Christians Must Stand Together Against Islam Because The Muslims Are Planning To Murder Us All’

Christians in Nigeria right now are some of the most persecuted Christians in the entire world. Once a solidly Muslim nation, Nigeria is rapidly turning away from Islam and to Christ, which has brought the wrath of many Muslims upon them. Hundreds of Christians have been killed in just the past few months and that number is expected to skyrocket.

This canadian university has a wudu washing station for muslims

According to Canada’s Metro News, the University of Regina in Saskatchewan “is going to great lengths” to help its Muslim students avoid washing their feet in sinks. The outlet reports that, in 2013, the university installed foot-baths that allow Muslim students to conduct wudu before praying, which they do multiple times daily. “I’ve seen them do it,” said then-U of

‘Suspicious’ American military activity in Jordan

Reports by the armed terrorists have talked of American and Jordanian forces present at the border with Syria. At first this presence may seem normal, were it not for another simultaneous occurrence. On March 26th, American vehicle carrier ship “Liberty Passion” left “Livorno” port in Italy. This port is one of the main ports used by the American 6th fleet

Protesters shout down Heather Mac Donald speech at Claremont McKenna College

Protesters at Claremont McKenna College partially shut down a talk by Heather Mac Donald, author of the book The War on Cops Thursday evening. Mac Donald was forced to speak to a nearly empty auditorium and then had her talk, which was being live-streamed, cut short by police who were concerned the crowd outside was getting rowdy. The College Fix

Did the Syria strike push China toward action on North Korea?

So the fireworks in Syria have produced all sorts of interesting results on the international diplomacy front. World leaders in western nations who have seemed at least somewhat skeptical of President Trump (to put it mildly in some cases) were suddenly praising him. The Russians, who Democrats regularly assure us are pulling Trump’s strings, are getting nervous. But perhaps the

Pentagon investigating possible Russian involvement in Syrian chemical attack

CNN reports the Pentagon is investigating possible Russian involvement in the Syrian chemical weapons attack that took place earlier this week: The Pentagon is looking for any evidence that the Russian government knew about or was complicit in the attack in Idlib province that killed at least 80 people and injured dozens more, a senior US defense official said… The

President Trump Explains Why He Authorized the Attack on Syria

Late Thursday night, President Donald Trump gave an impromptu press conference to explain why had decided to authorize the strike on a Syrian airfield just a few hours earlier. On Tuesday Syrian President Bashar al Assad launched a horrible chemical attack on innocent civilians using a deadly nerve agent. Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children.