Category: Nation

Chili’s Restaurants Partnering to Raise Money for Planned Parenthood and Abortion

Folks in Indiana and Kentucky, please know that your local Chili’s restaurants are doing their very best to support Planned Parenthood (PP). Yes, you heard me right. If you visit any Kentucky or Indiana Chili’s location between January 1st and March 31st and hand them a special group/charity coupon, 15% of the cost of your meal would go to funding

Austrian Minister: Put Electronic Tags On All Terror Suspects & Syria Returnees; Germany To Start Tracking Terror Suspects!

European Countries Start Tracking Suspected Terrorists While Liberals in America are upset because they think President Trump is violating the U.S. Constitution by halting immigration from Islamic countries, Europeans are waking up to the absolute horrors of Islam as the continent is being over run. To say that Donald Trump is violating religious liberties of these refugees and immigrants is

HYPOCRITE: Elizabeth Warren Presses Cabinet Picks To Follow Ethics Guidelines; Chooses To Skirt Same Guidelines Hiding $1.3 Million

Democrats Continue Pattern Of Hypocrisy Elizabeth Warren is the perfect victim, just like most Democrat politicians. Warren earned the nickname Pocahontas because of her dishonesty in claiming she is native American to aid her career. From Legal Insurrection: t’s a story which exposes her weak spot — she has perfected the politics of victimhood, yet she victimized one of the

MORE WINNING: Economist Says Stock Market Gained $2 TRILLION in Wealth Since Trump Elected!

Economic And Financial Activity Has Boomed Since November 8th The winning just keeps on coming with a new report of that says the stock market has gained $2 trillion in wealth since President Trump was elected. Great! #Dow20K — President Trump (@POTUS) January 25, 2017 From Fox Business: “This could be the start of a big bull market rally,”

Why Does Lefty “Love” Always Look Like Vitriol and Mayhem?

Pop star Madonna let everyone know that in the era of Donald Trump she’s choosing love over hate—though the decision was apparently very difficult. Speaking at the Women’s March on Washington, the aging “material girl” mentioned that she’d spent a lot of time wallowing in thoughts of blowing up the White House. Thankfully she decided against it though not because

5 Not-So “Mediocre Negroes” Give Lamont A Trump-Style Response For His Treason To Progress

Omarosa Manigault, White House Executive Committee Member next to President Trump, awaiting press. If Marcus Lamont-Hill and Dr. Ben Carson sat in the same press room, could you identify the “mediocre negro?” Marcus Lamont-Hill, a political commentator for Corrupt News Network, better known as CNN, made a shocking yet expected statement just before Inauguration Day about African-Americans meeting Donald Trump

The “Nasty,” Crude Women’s March and our Children

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the folks at the Washington Free Beacon (WFB). Those brilliant pot-stirrers did the hard work of watching all of the nasty, crude, vitriol-filled, hate-mongering speeches from Saturday’s many protests and then cut them all together to show us what our opponents are really like. The WFB displayed footage from starlets Ashley Judd,

Biased Media Plans to Be Even MORE Biased [WATCH]

Kellyanne Conway is humiliating the biased media, so they’re discussing banning her until she learns to say what they want. The biased media has tried to marginalize alternative media (which is any media which disagrees with their bias) by campaigning against “fake news.” I have to respect their efficiency. The biased media is attempting to use the alternative media to