Category: Nation

Planned Parenthood Lying to Protect Annual $500 Million Taxpayer Funding?

Planned Parenthood continues to defend their existence and receipt of over $500 million of taxpayer money every year. They claim that the majority of the services they provide women are have nothing to do with abortions and that abortions are only a small part of the women’s health services they provide. This rhetoric is repeated over and over by women’s

Sally Yates: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sally Yates speaks during a press conference to announce environmental and consumer relief in the Volkswagen litigation at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC on June 28, 2016. (Getty) Hours after instructing the Department of Justice not to defend President Donald Trump’s recent travel ban, Sally Yates has been fired from her position of acting attorney general of the

Trump Introduces Massive Regulation Cuts; For Every New Regulation Two Existing Regulations Must Be Cut!

Trump Makes Major Regulation Cuts On Monday morning President Trump signed into effect massive regulation cuts that he described as “the biggest such act that our country has ever seen.” The regulations that were signed into effect require agencies to cut two existing regulations for every new regulation that is created. This latest move fulfills another promise that the businessman

Breaking: Washington State AG To File Federal Lawsuit Against Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ (VIDEO)

Olympia, Washington- Washington state’s attorney general says he is suing President Trump over an executive order barring Muslim immigrants from 7 countries from entering the U.S. Fox reports: Bob Ferguson announced Monday that he is filing a federal lawsuit against President Donald Trump, some high-ranking administration officials and the Department of Homeland Security. The attorney general’s office says the complaint

It’s Happening: California Has Now Ordered The Votes Counted, Seccession Becomes Strong Reality

Radical Californians are attempting to secede from the US California libtards are clinging to idiotic dreams of secession. The ridiculous campaign, dubbed #Calexit, is organized by the Yes California Independence movement. “California Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced Thursday that a ballot initiative called ‘California Nation’ has been approved by the state to begin collecting signatures to qualify for the

Major Muslim Leader Makes This Message To All Christians: “If You Refuse To Convert To Islam, Then The Only Thing Between You And Us Is The Sword.”

A major Muslim leader in Trinidad, Abu Sa’d at-Trinidadi, made this message to all Christians: “If you refuse [to convert to Islam], then the only thing between you and us is the sword.” Here is the full statement from at-Trinidadi:  To the Christians I say, you know that you have strayed far away from the true teachings of Abraham, Moses,

Canadian Mosque Attacked after Prime Minister Blasts Trump’s Immigration Order

On Sunday, a mosque in Quebec City, Quebec was attacked by a masked gunman. Six people were killed, 5 more are in critical condition. The attack came on the heels of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s admonishment of President Donald Trump’s new policy pausing all migration from 7 majority Muslim nations. Trudeau argued that the policy was wrong-headed and that Canada

The 1 Executive Order Trump Signed The NO ONE Is Talking About, Now Revealed As Most Critical

Democrats Enraged Over Trump’s Plan To Support The U.S. Military President Trump closed out his impressive first week in office with a list of accomplishments that feels more substantial than Obama’s full 8-year term. Trump was busy signing executive orders all week, delivering on campaign promises much to the dismay of his vociferous opponents. Many of President Obama’s worst pieces

Protester Punches Conservative Woman During Women’s March…Liberal Crowd Blames The Woman

Whiny women took to the streets to complain about President Trump’s inauguration Millions of people across the globe poured onto the streets in defiant protest of President Donald J Trump. No, the left hasn’t suddenly gained the power to effectively organize and do something constructive. The movement consisted mainly of entitled millennial women and their beta-male followers stirring up faux