Category: Nation

Liberals Choosing Globalization over National Security

The negative reaction to President Donald Trump’s executive decision to place a temporary ban on accepting refugees and immigrants is a sign of how close America and the world is to total globalization and a one-world government. To begin with, Trump never said this was a permanent ban. The majority of the bans are temporary – 90 days, while Immigration

Texas Legislator Receives Death-Threats Over Abolition Of Abortion Bill

It is almost scientifically impossible to argue that a child is a child from conception. In fact, the clump of cells argument is only used by the ignorant. Yet, we see people that would have us allow the murder of these children in the name of a right to choose. These people are so driven to have this remain the


Chuck Schumer Supported The Ban In 2015 On Sunday, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer cried while describing President Trump, calling his actions “mean spirited and un-American.” But back in November of 2015 the same Chuck Schumer said that a halt of Syrian refugees may be necessary after the Paris attacks happened that killed well over 100 innocent people. From The

WATCH=>Trump Spox Sean Spicer UNLOAD ON LIBERAL MEDIA over Anti-Trump Bias (VIDEO)

Wow! This guy is good!Donald Trump White House Spokesman Sean Spicer UNLOADED on the Liberal media today during his Monday presser. Sean was asked about the Trump administration’s statement on the Holocaust. The liberal mainstream media attacked the administration for leaving the word “Jews” off of the statement. (The statement was written by a Jewish official in the Trump White

JUST IN: Melania Has Now Officially Had Enough…Suing Punk Loud-Mouth Liberals For $150M

Melania Will Sue ‘Fake News’ Accusers For $150M. Webster Tarper, a Maryland liberal talk show radio host and blogger, has gotten himself in a massive legal dispute with FLOTUS, Melania Trump. Tarper wrote in a blogpost back in August that Melania Trump worked as an escort before meeting her husband, now President Trump. His blogpost signed Webster Tarper, Ph.D. asserted

1 Picture That Says Everything…And Is Now Shutting Democrats Up About The Obama-Trump Debate

Just witness the difference A vicious battle has been waging on American soil since Donald Trump was elected President. Democrats have raced to discredit him and show he does not have the necessary skills to be our leader. Their attacks have ranged from childish name calling to treasonous assassination plans. Obviously stretched to their limits, nothing has succeeded and President

Most Americans Support Trump’s Refugee Ban from Terror Havens

A majority of Americans support Donald Trump’s ban on refugees from terrorist havens. 57% of Americans support the ban. Only 33% of Americans oppose the common sense rule.Rasmussen Reported: Most voters approve of President Trump’s temporary halt to refugees and visitors from several Middle Eastern and African countries until the government can do a better job of keeping out individuals

Trump Sends Stern Warning to Socialist Run United Nations

For decades, American presidents have been letting the United Nations walk all over the United States. Sadly, that even includes Republican presidents. In fact, it seems the United Nations has been walking over and somewhat controlling America ever since its inception on October 24, 1945. American forces fought in Korea in the early 1950s under UN control. American forces fought