Category: Nation

The “Nasty,” Crude Women’s March and our Children

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the folks at the Washington Free Beacon (WFB). Those brilliant pot-stirrers did the hard work of watching all of the nasty, crude, vitriol-filled, hate-mongering speeches from Saturday’s many protests and then cut them all together to show us what our opponents are really like. The WFB displayed footage from starlets Ashley Judd,

Biased Media Plans to Be Even MORE Biased [WATCH]

Kellyanne Conway is humiliating the biased media, so they’re discussing banning her until she learns to say what they want. The biased media has tried to marginalize alternative media (which is any media which disagrees with their bias) by campaigning against “fake news.” I have to respect their efficiency. The biased media is attempting to use the alternative media to

Muslim Refugees Respond: Western Host Countries Have “Too Much” Freedom And Patriotism

Pious Muslims reject the freedom of the West The steady inundation of Muslim refugees has warped Western culture. Adherents to conservative Islam clash with our society. Nearly half of refugees polled in Austria believe that citizens of their host country have too much freedom. Islam demands obedience from its followers. Pious Muslims glorify Allah by bowing their heads and trudging

Stock Market Hits 20,000 Milestone: Fox Mentions It 14 Times, CNN Only 2 Times!

CNN Continues To Ignore Reality On Wednesday, The Dow Jones Industrial Average topped the 20,000 mark for the first time ever and finished the day at 20,068.51. Just about everyone has been overjoyed with the success that the stock market has had since Donald Trump won the Presidential election on November 8, 2016. The stock market has gained over $2

Ny Mag Writer Puts $100 Million Bounty On Trump, “DEAD OR ALIVE”

Trump must have a “killer” personality, as many threats against his life have been made in recent weeks. It has been said, you either love him or you hate him and there are some that really, really hate him, tweeting, rapping and writing their death threats. Johnathan Chait, a writer and commentator for New York Magazine tweeted out, ‘calling for

Obama Crushed After Trump Orders White House To Stop His Sickest Tradition

Obama was seen storming away from the West Wing after staffers from Donald Trump’s transition team began preparing the Executive offices for the new administration. On Trump’s orders, one of Obama’s most secretive rituals is being reversed and all signs of it removed from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. For the past 7 years, to appease any Muslims working at or visiting

More college kids pledge to remove genitals if Trump builds wall

As reported previously, 2 students at The University of California stated that they would publicly remove their penis’ if Trump enforced the existing USA-Mexico border wall. In a continuance of this trend, 4 students at the University of Washington have promised to remove pieces of their reproductive anatomy if Trump builds the wall. Washington Sophomore Trent Griliphaen said he was

The White House Website Under Trump No Longer Has a Spanish Option

Any website worth its code has a sitemap. The list of text links at the bottom of each page is used by search engines like Google to direct people to relevant pages with the information they seek. Those text links are the rafters of a website, and in politics, they can show just how different one president is from the