Category: Nation

Defendants Found Guilty In Oregon Case, Judge Now Under Attack For Alleged Unethical Actions

An Attorney Speaks To The Media Following The Trial, In Which Two Defendants Were Found Guilty, But The Judge Had Some Questionable Actions Unlike the first trial, in which jurors found Oregon wildlife refuge occupiers not guilty, today jurors in the second trial rendered a different fate for four different defendants of the peaceful protest. A fate decided by a

DeVos vs. DeVos: The New Education Secretary Is Changing Gears To Fix America’s Broken Schools

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is learning to change gears to help make necessary changes in education. On February 7, President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education was confirmed. With her vote, which included the first ever tie-breaking vote by a sitting Vice President, came outrage from the left and an out pour of support from the right. Betsy DeVos is

French Stripper Running for President Arrested for Campaigning Topless. No, Seriously.

No, that is not a fake headline. In the midst of a contentious presidential election, former stripper Cindy Lee determined that what was missing from France’s mainstream political discourse was a little T&A. That isn’t even an insult – it’s exactly what her campaign is centered on. Among several other agenda items, Cindy believes that more money from the French

Young Syrian Refugee Torture Elderly Woman to DEATH in Germany

Germany has become a hotbed of refugee violence and migrant-induced disparity over the course of the last several months. Suffering from an asinine open borders policy, spearheaded by leftist and globalist Angela Merkel, the German people are frustrated and fed up with their government’s seeming unwillingness to install safeguards to protect them from the threat of unmitigated migration. From the

Hah! 4Chan Users Find Shia LaBeouf’s Secret Protest Location and Replace His Flag with Trump Flag

Too funny!Far left actor Shia LaBeouf announced in January he was launching a 4 year long continuous anti-Trump livestream where his cult like followers chant “He will not divide us.” It didn’t take long for the unhinged actor to suffer a meltdown. LaBeouf was seen on camera the first weekend getting physical with smaller counter-protester. Shia Labeouf melts down and

Lee Stranahan: Multiple Witnesses Confirm TGP’s Lucian Wintrich Was Accosted in White House Press Room (VIDEO)

Washington D.C. – Breitbart Investigative reporter, Lee Stranahan was in the White House press room when Lucian Wintrich was accosted by Fox New Radio’s, Jon Decker. Stranahan spoke with multiple witnesses who confirmed that Lucian Wintrich was accosted. On Friday Jon Decker from FOX News Radio accosted The Gateway Pundit’s Lucian Wintrich.Then Decker started reportedly “screaming” and pointing that Lucian

The Owner of a Popular Houston Taco Truck Is Being Deported

President Trump’s immigration crackdown has taken another prized Mexican-food purveyor. Piro Garcia, who used to run two widely celebrated taco trucks in south Houston, was rounded up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials last month. Garcia has been in the U.S. since 1994, when he fled his home country of Guatemala at the end of its brutal civil war. NPR

Berks County inmate escaped from prison, still at large

READING, BERKS COUNTY, Pa.– A Berks County inmate escaped from prison late Wednesday evening. Joseph Mahorney, Jr., 24, exited ADDAPT prison through a fire door and did not return. He is currently at large, and wanted for escape. Marhorney, Jr. is described as having brown hair, blue eyes, and standing 5’7″ while weighing 180 lbs. Anyone with information should contact

Paracetamol Contaminated With The Deadly ‘Machupo’ Virus Is A Hoax Warning

Paracetamol or otherwise known as acetaminophen being reported to have been contaminated with the dangerous Machupo virus is a hoax warning. A hoax is circulating social media that the over-the-counter painkiller is contaminated with the Machupo virus and should be avoided. Where did this hoax originate? In early 2017, social media warnings about paracetamol allegedly contaminated with the Machupo virus

12 Arrested Following Stockton City Council Meeting Protests

STOCKTON — The Stockton Police Department arrested 12 protestors Tuesday night at the Stockton City Council meeting. The commotion began after Mayor Michael Tubbs requested overflow seating be moved from the usual spot outside of chamber doors to the first floor of City Hall. Authorities report that during the protest an uninvolved man, who appeared to be a transient, was