Category: Nation

New Travel Ban Reveals Facts: 300 Refugees In U.S. Now Under FBI Investigation For Terrorist Ties

With 300 current refugees under FBI investigation, a ban on further refugees makes sense to aid the efforts. Donald Trump has taken an aggressive stance on improving the security of the United States. This includes the first steps to tighten the physical border with Mexico. It also includes looking at ways to secure international customs checkpoints at airports. These hard-line

Poor Bill Clinton Takes Shot at Trump with Ridiculous Pan-Nationalism Gibberish (VIDEO)

Poor Bill Clinton… It’s been tough making all that free money at the Clinton Foundation now that Hillary got thumped. The former president took a shot at President Donald Trump this week during a speech at the Brookings Institution. Bill Clinton: People who claim to want the nation state or actually trying to have a pan national movement to institutionalize

OUTRAGE: April Ryan Interrogates TGP Reporter After Assault in White House “Are You a Racist?”

The Gateway Pundit’s White House correspondent Lucian Wintrich was allegedly assaulted in the White House Friday by a Fox News Radio reporter before the press briefing by Sean Spicer. Afterwards, Wintrich was interrogated by April Ryan on whether he is a racist, believes in integration and blacks and whites mingling. This came after he was reportedly called a Nazi and

ACLU Lawyers File Ethics Charge Against AG Sessions, Accusing Him Of “Professional Misconduct”

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a complaint with the Alabama State Bar Disciplinary Committee accusing Attorney General Jeff Sessions of “professional misconduct.” The American Civil Liberties Union filed a complaint yesterday with the Alabama State Bar Disciplinary Commission against Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The complaint said that Sessions’ comments during his Senate confirmation hearings were in violation of the

Sessions Asks Remaining AG Officials From Obama Admin. To Resign, Draining Swamp

AG Jeff Sessions has kept Trump word and completely drained the Just Department Swamp. When Trump began associating with people like Chris Christie and the leaker, Priebus, a lot of people were worried that the swamp was not going to be drained after all. While some new faces did appear, there were a lot of career politicians and hangovers still

AG Sessions Ditches Obama Stance, Reforms Policies To Push Full Legal Prosecution Of Offenders

Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Pictured Above) Has Vowed To Reform The Former Administration’s Policies On Crime The election of President Donald Trump signified that the United States was ready to change. The people were ready to move away from the destructive policies of the past eight years. While the Democrats say that former President Barack Obama was a great leader,

SICK! Politico, Liberal Reporters CHEER VICIOUS VERBAL ASSAULT of Gateway Pundit Reporter in White House Press Room

THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!Bully abuses conservative reporter and liberal media CHEERS! The Gateway Pundit White House correspondent Lucian Wintrich was accosted, harassed and abused Friday in the White House Press room. On Friday Jon Decker from FOX News Radio accosted The Gateway Pundit’s Lucian Wintrich in the White House. Decker reportedly grabbed Lucian’s arm and pushed him. Then Decker started reportedly

Bill Clinton Calling Trump’s America To Return To “Decency & Trust” In Politics

Bill Clinton says we need to bring back “decency and personal trust” to politics. Former President Bill Clinton was the keynote speaker at an event at the Brookings Institute honoring Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated in 1995. In his first public appearance since his wife’s loss to Donald Trump last November, Clinton spoke on how he wants

Suspect in House Democrat IT Scandal ALSO Had Access to Leaked DNC Emails

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported in February that three brothers who managed office IT for government officials were relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed specific computer networks without permission, also known as hacking. Brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives. One of the brothers has a criminal

BREAKING: AG Sessions Asks 46 Obama-Era U.S. Attorneys to Resign

Attorney General Sessions has asked 46 U.S. attorneys appointed by Obama to resign, the Department of Justice announced Friday. The Hill reports: U.S. attorneys are normally replaced at the beginning of new administrations. Of the 93 U.S. attorneys, 46 remain from the past administration, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ). Sessions asked for the federal prosecutors to resign “in