Category: Nation

Repeal, take two: House GOP’s ObamaCare deal may let states opt out of “community rating” for people with preexisting conditions

Biiiiig caveat: Under the deal, states would still have to make sure that people with preexisting conditions are eligible for some sort of coverage. Insurers wouldn’t be allowed to drop them entirely. To obtain a federal waiver from the relevant ObamaCare regs, a state would either have to join a federal high-risk pool for those consumers or set up one

Venezuela seizes General Motors plant as property of the state

This news broke overnight and it undoubtedly comes as a shock to anyone who hasn’t been paying to socialism in general and the regime of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in particular. The government of Venezuela came in and seized control of the General Motors plant in the city of Valencia, taking over the property, assets and accounts. The automotive giant

You again? Empty nests refill, marriages postponed, Census study finds

At this rate, the United States is going to need immigrants of all kinds to continue growth. A new Census Bureau study has just reported a sobering commentary on the current generation of young people. “There are now more young people living with their parents than in any other arrangement…What is more, almost 9 in 10 young people who were

Pence: Talking with North Korea has been a 25-year “colossal failure”

“The shield stands guard,” Vice President Mike Pence told sailors and Marines on the USS Ronald Reagan yesterday in regard to North Korea, “and the sword stands ready.” Diplomacy, on the other hand, has been relegated to the sidelines. In an interview with the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin, Pence calls the diplomatic efforts over the last 25 years to rein

Muslims DEMAND Locals Don’t Walk Dogs In Public – Violation Of Sharia And “DISRESPECTS” Them /2017/04/21/muslims-demand-locals-dont-walk-dogs-in-public-violation-of-sharia-and-disrespects-them/

In Manchester, pamphlets have been distribute by a group called Public Purity have demanded that Brits do not take their dogs out in public as dogs are considered impure in the Islamic faith. The groups message is that British citizens must do certain things that may be considered uncomfortable in order to make its Muslim citizens feel more at home. Why

California slips further into delusion over courthouse ICE arrests

I realize this debate over ICE arrests taking place at courthouses has gotten a lot of play recently, but there’s one new item on the menu which deserves a quick look. It comes to us in the form of an op-ed published this week from none other than Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye, who is the chief justice on the California state

That “First DREAMer Deported” story turned out to be fake news

USA Today launched a provocative story late yesterday which immediately had the liberal side of the media up in arms. The blaring title read, “First protected DREAMer is deported under Trump.” The uproar was immediate and I even wound up getting into a brief Twitter debate with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes over it when we both assumed it was real. The

Can a privately owned co-op evict residents for smoking?

Back in December we looked at one of the final “midnight regulations” handed down from the Obama administration which sought to ban smoking tobacco products in government housing units. That was a complicated case to be sure, but Susan Shapiro brings up an even stranger story at the Washington Post this week. Shapiro is a former smoker herself (who is

Michelle Obama says: “malia and sasha are not my children, because i am transsexual”

The following excerpt is the true biographical information of Michelle Obama, given to sources by a former member of the First Lady’s personal staff. He shall remain anonymous for the time being to protect his life as well as the lives of his family “Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago,

Protesters shout down Heather Mac Donald speech at Claremont McKenna College

Protesters at Claremont McKenna College partially shut down a talk by Heather Mac Donald, author of the book The War on Cops Thursday evening. Mac Donald was forced to speak to a nearly empty auditorium and then had her talk, which was being live-streamed, cut short by police who were concerned the crowd outside was getting rowdy. The College Fix