Category: Lifestyle

Top 10 Best Hamster, Gerbil & Mouse Cages

Though the only rodents in my care right now are a pair of troublemaking chinchillas, they aren’t the only members of the Rodentia order I’ve had in my life. I once had a pair of gerbil brothers named Nickel and Dime, the latter of which lived to be nearly four. Growing up, my brother had a couple of Syrian hamsters

Ohio doctors employ virtual reality to train for trauma care

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Dr. Arishi Abdulaziz put on a headset, moved his hands slightly and immersed himself into a virtual world. But this was no video game. Abdulaziz was “standing” in a trauma bay at OhioHealth Grant Medical Center, amid a medical team treating a car crash victim. He watched the team cut off the patient’s black T-shirt and

Top 10 Best Save the Date Ideas

Save the dates are a key component of any wedding. They let all of your guests know that they need to mark their calendar for your big day. You’ll want to send your save the dates at least six months before your wedding date, and even a bit earlier if you’re asking guests to travel. This way they have an

Top 10 Best Covered & Top Entry Cat Litter Boxes

The excitement of getting a new pet, whether you’re adopting or buying (but please adopt!), is usually enough to gloss over the really mundane parts. It’s easy to forget you’re bringing home living being that consumes and creates messy waste when your new little fluff ball is doing some dumb, cute thing for the first time. You’ll probably just pile

How to Grow Cannabis: Everything You Need to Grow Marijuana

Everything You Need to Grow Cannabis All over the country, states are legalizing medicinal and recreational cannabis, making it possible for anyone to grow their own weed legally. Many new growers have the enthusiasm and the drive, but lack the experience necessary to grow great cannabis. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place. This guide is

Top 20 Best Gifts for Cat Lovers

For the cat lover, their cats are the indifferent centers of their universe. The very thing cat people love about their cats is that they don’t rely on you every second of the day the way some dogs do. They’re content to go about their business and address you when it pleases them. This independent spirit is a point of

CBO: 14 million would lose health coverage next year under GOP health care plan

WASHINGTON — Fourteen million Americans would lose coverage next year under House Republican legislation remaking the nation’s health care system, and that number would balloon to 24 million by 2026, Congress’ budget analysts projected Monday. Their report deals a stiff blow to a GOP drive already under fire from both parties and large segments of the medical industry. The Congressional

How to Choose a CO2 Regulator for Your Cannabis Grow Op

It is clear that in the coming years, the United States prohibition on cannabis is coming to an end. Growers are popping up all over the country as weed is legalized, decriminalized and regulated in state after state. As a grower, you have complete control over your crop. You get to choose your strain, whether you grow indoor or outdoor,

Top 10 Best Dog Training Collars

No matter what, training a dog isn’t exactly easy. It’s usually the case when you start out that the dog has no idea what you’re trying to get them to do and the process is frustrating for both of you. Once you establish a method of communicating, things begin to improve little by little until you’ve got a repertoire of

Top 5 Best Hydroponic Systems for Growing Cannabis

If you are a new cannabis grower, you may be a little bit overwhelmed with all of the gear that you need to get for a successful indoor grow operation. You will need a grow tray, reservoir, hydroponic lights, pots, growing medium, nutrients, ventilation and more. Not only can the price of these necessary items add up, there are so