Category: Lifestyle

Top 10 Best Cat Treats

We love to pamper our animals. Anything that shows them we love them and appreciate their presence in our lives. Sometimes, this means toys or just an extended petting session. As humans, though, we associate treats with being rewarded, so we sometimes like to give our animals treats, too. While dog treats tend to be used more productively as a

GOP health bill clears first big hurdles

WASHINGTON— Republican leaders drove their long-promised legislation to dismantle Barack Obama’s health care law over its first big hurdles in the House on Thursday and claimed fresh momentum despite cries of protest from right, left and center. After grueling all-night sessions, the Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means committees both approved their portions of the bill along party-line votes.

Recipe: Pan roasted grouper with a jerk spiced salsa and sweet potato puree

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI)- L'École Culinaire is hosting Public Cooking Classes on Friday, August 5th. Chef Kyle Park, Instructor at L'École joined us on the 9 a.m. with more. Regional Caribbean CuisinePublic Cooking ClassesL'École CulinaireFriday, August 5th6:30 – 9 P.M.9811 South Forty Pan roasted grouper with a jerk spiced salsa and sweet potato puree Fish: 4 fillets grouper2 tbsp

Beyoncé’s Grammy performance was mind-blowing and unforgettable

CBS If you missed Beyoncé’s Grammy’s performance, I’m sorry to inform you that you just missed the biggest most incredible mass acid trip that has ever taken place. The Queen’s performance of “Love Drought” and “Sand Castles” began with a trippy projection of her pregnant belly while she wore an ornate gold outfit and headress with billowing lengths of fabric

Picnic Fashion is closing on your door

Sed sodales posuere venenatis. In ullamcorper feugiat accumsan. Donec vitae dapibus arcu. Sed et tortor varius, imperdiet nunc id, fermentum mi. Donec congue in orci id blandit. Duis at congue nisl. Mauris dui erat, ultricies ut rhoncus eu, feugiat non nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eu tellus quam. Etiam pellentesque metus id enim fermentum scelerisque.

Jay Leno recalls Robin Williams: ‘What a loss’

Sed sodales posuere venenatis. In ullamcorper feugiat accumsan. Donec vitae dapibus arcu. Sed et tortor varius, imperdiet nunc id, fermentum mi. Donec congue in orci id blandit. Duis at congue nisl. Mauris dui erat, ultricies ut rhoncus eu, feugiat non nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eu tellus quam. Etiam pellentesque metus id enim fermentum scelerisque.

Rating Hollywood’s wildest beards

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas molestie erat aliquam volutpat iaculis. Donec tortor dolor, condimentum quis eros sit amet, varius faucibus dolor. Donec in ullamcorper dolor, viverra lobortis felis. Aenean in lorem mauris. Phasellus tincidunt purus eros, vitae lobortis ex feugiat at. Phasellus eleifend pulvinar purus eu aliquam. Quisque et odio nulla. Cras efficitur vitae odio id

On the Verge: Now, the kids of Echosmith are cool

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas molestie erat aliquam volutpat iaculis. Donec tortor dolor, condimentum quis eros sit amet, varius faucibus dolor. Donec in ullamcorper dolor, viverra lobortis felis. Aenean in lorem mauris. Phasellus tincidunt purus eros, vitae lobortis ex feugiat at. Phasellus eleifend pulvinar purus eu aliquam. Quisque et odio nulla. Cras efficitur vitae odio id